Warm Up Week and Questions



  • candirose69
    I super excited too! I put my list of affirmations/goals up above my computer at work today which helped keep me away from the chocolate going round the office!
    One of my colleagues even noticed and said " wow you're dedicated!"
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Terri I am a novice on Instagram too, but it's so quick to share photos and quite a good way to stay in touch when out and about.

    I set up Tumblr too, but have NO idea what to do next... Will need to get my 14yo DD to explain it to me!!

    Candi, well done!!!! keep it up. I've got my affirmations set up as a reminder on my phone, so I read them a few times a day.

    Happy Friday! Only 3 days to the start of the challenge!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    If anyone is a monthly weigher, that's no problem.

    Post your starting weight and measurements in the Intro thread, any day between now and when you start. Late starters welcome.

    In the weekly weigh in thread, just post something that lets me know you are a monthly weigher.

    In weeks 4, 8 and final, post your progress.

  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Great idea for a group Skim, I'm in!

    Feel free to kick my *kitten* if I lose track over the next 12 weeks, but I have some big goals I want to achieve.

    I'll be starting my 'cut' a week late as I have a century ride (160 kms) scheduled for next Friday and don't want to cut any calories ahead of that. After that I will be on a pretty disciplined routine and eating plan to see what I can achieve in the next 3 months.

    I'll post my stats and goals soon.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    I didn't want to clutter up the INTRODUCTION thread, but I wanted to say a few things to welcome everyone to the group.

    Fat loss and YOUR weight loss is all relative. I just sent a message to one of our members, and I think it's going to apply to a few of us, so I'm going to copy some of my comments in that message here:

    At my heaviest weight I was 104kg. This time last year I was about 86-89kg and just getting into the whole weight loss gig. I'm so glad I started or I would STILL be a very unhappy 89kg, or possibly heavier. PROBABLY heavier.

    Whether you need to lose 50kg or 5kg, it's all relative. We still have the same type of issues with self esteem, body image, sometimes skewed relationships with food, binge eating disorder, whatever it might be... We all have battles and inner demons that we need to FACE and work through those issues in order to make things better. From the inside out.

    All you have to do is have a plan and follow it.

    Don't be too strict (or you will fall off the wagon and think you have failed) and just keep following that plan one day after another. If you slip up, it's just one day, or one meal... This really is a LIFESTYLE. As I've come down on the weight scale I've come to realise that it really is the small successes that we need to focus on, celebrate and congratulate ourselves on to give us the momentum to move forward.

    Joining this challenge is a "win". There will be another "win" tomorrow and every day thereafter. For some, this 12 week challenge is only part one. For others, it's further down the track. Wherever you are in your journey to a better you, we are here to support and encourage one another.

    Being part of this group doesn't mean you have to join the discussion group every day, it doesn't mean you have to do anything except be honest with yourself and cross of your daily action list and goals. You don't have to share everything if you don't want to. BUT let me tell you - the 5th Element of weight loss (support and encouragement) WILL help you get there and keep you accountable much more than if you were doing this on your own.

    Again, whether you have 50kg or 5kg to lose - we are all in this together XO

    We WILL get there!! Just keep on keeping on.

    Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing all of you reach your goals :)
  • _J_en
    _J_en Posts: 40 Member
    I'm really excited to get started. I have a long way to go...but I know I can do it!!! I just posted my stats

  • candirose69
    Getting pumped! saw my husbands family today and I'm not seeing them now until Easter, at the end of this challenge! really hoping they will say "wow you look good have you lost weight?
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Getting pumped! saw my husbands family today and I'm not seeing them now until Easter, at the end of this challenge! really hoping they will say "wow you look good have you lost weight?

    Of course they will!!! I'm excited *for* you!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Challenge starts tomorrow!!!

    It doesn't really matter what day you start... Latecomers are welcome, but make sure whatever you do, you have CLEAR GOALS and a plan for how to achieve them.

    Remember we are all in this together.

    Best wishes to all Challengers :) take one step at a time, and we will all get to the end with a positive outcome!!
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