Weight loss tips

lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
I have recently been reading Shape magazine, a fitness magazine and that has given me many tips on eating, fitness and weight loss. These are some of the tips I thought would be useful( some I found from other resources):
Drink a large glass of water before each meal
Exercise in the morning when you have more energy
Get more sleep as is make you more likely to lose weight
Try not to weigh yourself has the scales may not be true, your weight will change depending on what you eat and drink
if you ever feel hungry, rather than eat, go for a brisk walk to determine whether you are really hungry

I hope these help, and please share any tips you have :) xx


  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    Another tip....

    You must eat all or almost all of your daily calories to lose weight. It's hard to believe but you do have to eat to lose weight
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    great tip! thanks x
  • KarenBoehlke
    True on the calories. Starvation mode is not a myth. I plateaued by eating too few calories. The general rule; women need to eat at least 1200 cals. & men 1500 per day.

    Tall glass of water before each meal is a good start, but also remember to slow down when you eat. Take a bite and chew slowly, maybe even put down the utensil you are using between your bites. Focus on what you are eating, don't eat in front of a screen (movie, computer, TV, etc.), while reading a book, or working at your desk. Studies show that when you don't focus on the food you eat you will eat more probably because your brain doesn't remember that you already ate.

    Another study showed that people who didn't clean the evidence of what they had eaten away didn't keep eating. For example, chicken wings; people who left the bones on their plate didn't eat as many wings (or other appetizers) as those who cleared off their plate or got a new plate with each serving. So wait to scrape your plate till you have determined you are done eating.