


  • sarahinsunshine
    sarahinsunshine Posts: 4 Member
    Hello from sunny Colorado! I'm 46, single mom of two teenage boys, and I travel a lot for work. I started running about four years ago and I'm pretty consistent now at 4 4mile runs per week. I love to run in other cities when I travel - I've definitely been to areas I wouldn't have gone to otherwise. I eat healthy to stay healthy and I have a goal of staying off daily meds by avoiding the lifestyle diseases that ruined my parents' last decades. The 40's have been my favorite decade by far!
  • ClarcyMarci
    ClarcyMarci Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all, I'm 43 from New Zealand, no kids, awesome partner, big job, ex-dive Instructor and zumba Instructor (on top of full-time job) who's got a bit lost. Ready to get back on track again though! The one thing I'm doing differently this time is joining in ... so here I am!

  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    I'm jumping in a little late…. My name is Cindy from Colorado and I just turned 48. I'm married and have a 16 year old daughter. I never had problems with my weight until got pregnant - and don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade her for the world! Since 1997, I've yo-yo'd up and down until about 3 years ago when all I have done is gain weight after I injured myself running and became very sedentary for a good year.

    I'm at my wit's end and have tried everything…Weight Watchers, vegan, paleo, juicing - you name it. I finally realized that there is no magic bullet and that I need to hold myself accountable by logging what I eat and drink in addition to exercising.

    Last year I started road biking with my husband and I love it. I lost some weight, but then gained it back over the winter. We've started biking again now that it's warming up and I also joined an exercise class that I hope to do 2-3 times a week in addition to biking.

    Anyway, I've always told people I feel like an 18 year old stuck in a much older body. I want to feel physically great again like I did when I was younger.