Things you refuse to give up.

Clearly everything in moderation right? It's the overdoing part that's bad for us, but what is the ONE thing you don't want to and haven't given up, maybe just reduced the amount you have of it, or the amount of times you have it. For me it has to be NUTELLA. I love the stuff! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. Did I mention I love it? Haven't had any so far this year but Internation Nutella day is February 5th so I'm thinking maybe waffles with that spread on it. Oh GAWD now I'm drooling lol


  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    I honestly refuse to give up anything. I know myself well enough to realize that at no point in life I can cut out sweets or carbs, so I'm learning how to have them in moderation. There are times when I will pass on cake, but I may have it the next time. To completely change my diet is not something I ever intend on doing. In my opinion that's why some people gain back weight they have lost, they completely change their diet and then after time they give in which results in the regaining. The one thing I have given up in my life are sodas. it's been almost 3 years since I have had a soda, there are still days when all I want is to smell a Pepsi, once I've smelled it then I'm okay. But I didn't give up soda for weight, I gave it up because if the staining on my teeth.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Ice cream. It is my favorite food and I would be miserable if I thought I could never have it again. I try to limit it to no more than one time a month and then, I just get one scoop from the shop. I try not to have ice cream at home--I would keep eating it until it was gone. Pizza is the other. We have at least five good pizza places in our town (college nearby) and I like to order out for pizza once a month or so.

    I treat fast food, snack foods, sweetened drinks the same. Once or twice a month and I can really do without it the rest of the time. Over time, I've gotten to the point that I don't really miss it. When I do have it, I get the best pizza, ice cream, hamburger, etc. I can find. I want it to be a treat and to really enjoy the food.

    I will admit--it's a hard balance. I love food, I love to cook and I love to bake. I do my best to just have a small amount and then I pack up the rest and give it away. I drop off food to my dad, send it work with my husband, give it my niece to take to her mom's house. I get the pleasure of cooking and tasting but I limit my ability to binge.
  • redstanmenagerie
    redstanmenagerie Posts: 16 Member
    I had to give up all dairy for a bit as part of an elimination diet the DR gave me for some health issues i was having. In my quest for icecream I found Coconut milk icecream! One brand uses a touch of agave and no sugar even. Comes in a tiny container and is so rich I couldn't eat it all if i tried. It was the best icecream i ever had and i've had a lot!!!! So rich and creamy.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    I had to give up all dairy for a bit as part of an elimination diet the DR gave me for some health issues i was having. In my quest for icecream I found Coconut milk icecream! One brand uses a touch of agave and no sugar even. Comes in a tiny container and is so rich I couldn't eat it all if i tried. It was the best icecream i ever had and i've had a lot!!!! So rich and creamy.

    I've seen these at the store and people seem to have mixed reviews on them. What brand did you like?
  • redstanmenagerie
    redstanmenagerie Posts: 16 Member
    I'll have to go look, it was at fred meyers (if you are west coast). It was not soy delicious brand I know that much. The soy ice cream SUCKED! And there coconut blend tasted like cheep generic ben and jerrys haha
  • redstanmenagerie
    redstanmenagerie Posts: 16 Member
    Found it! I had the chocolate walnut brownie and it was really great especially with no sugar and no dairy!
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Found it! I had the chocolate walnut brownie and it was really great especially with no sugar and no dairy!

    Thanks! I'll see if I can find in in my area.
  • wabadabadoo
    wabadabadoo Posts: 43 Member
    Wine and coco pops are my essential foods. Got the wine down to about 3 times a week but tend to overindulge.
  • Dr Pepper, I've gotten myself down to one in the morning, and I'm making it the real sugar kind, they're more expensive, but after the week and a half I had none, the hfcs version just doesn't taste good, even out of the trusty Sonic fountain.
    I also find that when I completely eliminate something, my body seems to crave it more. What has helped me the most since I started this at the beginning of the year has been switching to un- or minimally processed foods. I've not had much bread at all, instead I'm having a rice blend that I love, quinoa, whole grain pasta for most of my carbs, and adding more fruit (fresh, not frozen), veggies (fresh or frozen, but no more canned), and increasing my protein intake. One day I had a yeast roll that was included with my meal at a restaurant, and trust me, this girl LOVES her some yeast rolls. I tore off a small piece, and it tasted terrible! On the one hand, doggone it, did I mention I LOVE yeast rolls? but on the other hand, the craving's all but gone at this point, so yay!
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    Coffee and cheese! I'm struggling to find a good replacement for my favorite (white chocolate mocha) but nothing else tastes as good I've just been limiting myself instrad of having one every day : ) As for cheese, I just weigh out my portions.

    i can't have just a little Nutella : ) I recently found the little packs with the bread sticks, I'll buy those occasionaly but I can not keep a whole jar in my house, lol!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Clearly everything in moderation right? It's the overdoing part that's bad for us, but what is the ONE thing you don't want to and haven't given up, maybe just reduced the amount you have of it, or the amount of times you have it. For me it has to be NUTELLA. I love the stuff! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. Did I mention I love it? Haven't had any so far this year but Internation Nutella day is February 5th so I'm thinking maybe waffles with that spread on it. Oh GAWD now I'm drooling lol

    Scot, have you tried the Nutella Brownies? They are yummy! I make them in a cupcake pan for portion control or I'd eat te whole pan! :wink:
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    I can't give up dark chocolate.

    I also have a weakness for peanut butter, I have pretty much resisted it for the last 3 weeks, This is probably going to sound a bit mad but I put the jar in the boot of my car. If I want it I have to go out side and get it which means I actually have to make the decision to eat all those calories

    Robin Nutella brownies! oh no this could be dangerous lol
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I would say for me what works is NOT giving up anything because once it is off limits, then the desire sets in. If I really want something, then I have a small portion of it to quench the desire and then move on. I don't keep any of my trigger foods on hand so they can't be calling out to me from the pantry all day long. If they are there in front of me, I tend to eat them when I am not even hungry for them. I find that by keeping healthy foods in stock and non-healthy ones out of my house, I can be just as satisfied most of the time with good choices. As you progress, your tastes change and you enjoy what used to seem unsweetened and in need of added sugar or healthy and needing to be fried or covered in dressing just as they are. Lifestyle change is the key.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Kim, I agree with you, the second you give something up is the second that you're likely to not succeed!

    Bridge, the Nutella brownies are awesome!