Know your numbers - Calories for weight loss

Weight loss is about knowing your calories. In the end the equation is simple eating less calories than you need per day to stay the same weight. BUT you also NEED to make sure you get the most bang for your buck nutritionally out of the calories you do have which means EATING SMART AND HEALTHILY.
Here are the basic numbers: to lose 1llb per week you need to burn 3500 calories or put another way you need 3500 than your weekly total:
E.g. Average 9st/55kg woman needs 1500 calories per day top stay the same weight.
Weekly calorie amount 7 x1500 = 10500 -3500 (1llb weight loss) = 7000 calories total for the week or 1000 per day.
Now you can burn calories by doing exercise so they must be subtracted from your total calorie intake too. To put this into perspective here is some calorie burning exercises:

Exercise & Calories Burned per Hour 130 lbs 155 lbs 180 lbs 205 lbs Mars Bar
Running 5mph (12 mile per hour) 472 563 654 745
Boxing Sparring 531 633 735 838
Cycling, <10mph, leisure bicycling 236 281 327 372
Rowing machine, light 207 246 286 326
Walking 3.0mph 195 232 270 307

For further variations and lots more sports and activities visit:
So in short the MORE exercise you do the MORE calories you will burn. THE HAVIT programme designed for you personally will comprise of both resistance (weights) and cardio exercise. You need to build muscle and BURN fat