Important stuff will go here one day.
Reduce your sugar intake (dramatically)
Link to a recent blog on sugar: Sugar is not inherently evil - it performs vital services in the body. EXCESS SUGAR is the MAIN CAUSE of most people’s weight gain. Most of the time people are unaware that they have a sugar addiction. So much food now has added sugar…
Eat 3 meals per day and 3 snacks
Eat 3 meals per day and 3 snacks The reason you MUST eat every 2-3 hours is to keep your blood sugar levels constant. When you achieve this you will have regular energy and won’t feel hungry. So a typical day’s food will look like this: 7a.m. Breakfast 10a.m. Snack 13.00 Lunch 15.30 Snack 18.00 Dinner 21.00 snack Obviously…
Power of Protein for weight loss
Protein provides many vital roles in the body. For weight loss it’s simple: IT KEEPS YOU FULLER FOR LONGER. It takes a while (a few hours) for your body to break down and digest protein, in fact, research shows that it takes longer for protein to be digested than fat or carbs! For example, to get 100 calories from protein…
Benefits of Drinking Water
Possibly the most underestimated principle of weight loss. Water is the most important compound in your body. Here are some of the functions performed by water in the body: Top 5 reasons to drink water: 1. It is the basis of all body fluids such as blood and saliva. 2. Water keeps the skin hydrated, supple and looking…
Know your numbers - Calories for weight loss
Weight loss is about knowing your calories. In the end the equation is simple eating less calories than you need per day to stay the same weight. BUT you also NEED to make sure you get the most bang for your buck nutritionally out of the calories you do have which means EATING SMART AND HEALTHILY. Here are the basic…