Reduce your sugar intake (dramatically)

Link to a recent blog on sugar:

Sugar is not inherently evil - it performs vital services in the body. EXCESS SUGAR is the MAIN CAUSE of most people’s weight gain. Most of the time people are unaware that they have a sugar addiction. So much food now has added sugar especially LOW fat recipes. The food manufacturers are smart – they remove fat (cos fat is bad which is fact is not rue – more on that later) and replace it with SUGAR. This often makes it taste good but makes it unhealthy.
Here’s a nutritional fact – THE BODY turns excess sugar into FAT. Basically, anytime you fill your body with more fuel than it needs the livers storage capacity is exceeded causing the liver to convert the sugar to FAT. So just when you think you are eating a nice low fat meal there’s affair chance if it’s pre-packaged then it has a lot more sugar than you think.
It’s not just meals that have added sugar but so do past/curry sauces, and most condiments like mustard and ketchup. Even baked beans have a lot of extra sugar.

So how do you kick your sugar addiction?

The secret is to eat as little as you can by eating vegetables and meat. Limiting the amount of fruit you eat to 2-3 pieces a day. And using herbalife meal replacement to fill in the times when you can gain access to healthy food due to work or other commitments.