Some basic questions

Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
These are all laid out in the book, I know. But for some reason, I still seem unsure.
1. Can I do the stretching/warm up exercises BEFORE i do my ten minute walking warmup? In the book it seems to say to do them after the ten minute walk.
2. Are warm up lifts necessary? Do I have to do 50% then 70% of my max? Cant I just take an empty barbell for a few reps then load it? I am just 10-20 lbs past the barbell now so...
3. Now, on days that I am not lifting I feel lazy. I would like to do yoga or walk. The book says it cant hurt if taken easy. Has anyone had a bad experience with walking or yoga on nonlifting days?


  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there!!

    I'll be honest with you, I've only been running for 10min, walking 5 and that's my warm up. From what I got from the book, you just really have to warm-up anyway you prefer. He just gives you some examples and you could either do the warm up exercises, or the walking. Or both if you want to. I cycle to my gym and still do a warm up exercise after, like I said.

    I've also been kinda leaving the warm up lifts, but specially when you start lifting heavy, it might be important to add them to your training. I thought it was only the first exercise though, and just one of the two: either 50% or 70%. Hmm the way you explained it actually makes sense though.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just figure out a warmup routine that works for you and use it consistently.
    As far as warm-up lifts go, the typical recommendation is 50% and 70%. But that really probably depends on the weight you're using and (for most of us) convenience. For instance, my DL weight is 165lbs. I warm-up with 65lbs, 115lbs and 135lbs because those are convenient weights (10lb bumper plates + the 25lb plate and then the 35lb plate). I do a warm-up lift for upper and lower body.
    Yoga and walking won't hurt your lifting at all. In fact, it may even help reduce soreness.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'll be honest--I never warm up. I know it's wrong, but I don't. I stretch and that's it.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Initially the warmup -50% etc didn't seem important. But when you are lifting heavier it really helps to do some at a lower weight - it helps to remind your body how to do the exercise. Try it sleepy