W8D2 - Outside - What?!

hteepeg Posts: 64 Member
Hello Fellow C25Kers!

In honor of MegsMiles, I got a babysitter and did my W8D2 today. It is a beautiful day and I had time, so I decided to try my run outside in the park. I fully anticipated getting about 3 minutes down before I had to walk. Guess what happened. Go ahead. Guess. I'll wait...

I ran almost the entire 28 minutes!!! And there was a very slight hill!!! If you could see me do my happy dance right now, you would hurt yourself laughing.

I did walk for a minute at the 16 minute mark and then again at the 23 minute mark. I really think it was that little baby hill that got me.

Oh! And my pace increased a teensy bit! According to the trail markers, I went a little over 2 miles (2.05 if I calculated it right). On the treadmill, I have only ever gone 1.98 miles even while running 28 minutes and my 10 minutes of warm-up & cool-down. We will see how I feel in a couple of hours, but right now I am "sailinnnnn" in the eternal words of Christopher Cross.

Get out there, folks. You can do anything you want!

Happy Saturday and good luck to the other C25Kers out there!


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    What a wonderful and awesome first outdoor run! You rock!!

    I went outdoors today, too. It was the first time in a couple of weeks and I marvelled, too, and the positive differences between an outdoor run and a treadmill run.
    I ran slightly faster, the distances seemed much shorter, my breathing was easier, I wasn't as hot & sweaty. On the treadmill, I feel like I'm working harder, going slower and, when I watch the distance covered, a kilometer seems to take forever to travel.

    I'm so, so happy for you, HDubSleevery!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member

    congrats on the great run!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well done
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    Great job! That must have felt amazing!
  • GrindingSalt
    GrindingSalt Posts: 68 Member
    Woohoo!! Congrats! I've mostly run outside and always feel like I fly compared to the few times I've been inside. I'm on W7D2 and am finding a minute of walking halfway thru the run lets me push through and finish strong. Ideally I'd like to go straight through with zero walking but for now, I'd rather be able to go the full time than fizzle out at the end.

    Hope your next run is just as successful : )
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hello Fellow C25Kers!

    In honor of MegsMiles, I got a babysitter and did my W8D2 today. It is a beautiful day and I had time, so I decided to try my run outside in the park. I fully anticipated getting about 3 minutes down before I had to walk. Guess what happened. Go ahead. Guess. I'll wait...

    I ran almost the entire 28 minutes!!! And there was a very slight hill!!! If you could see me do my happy dance right now, you would hurt yourself laughing.

    I did walk for a minute at the 16 minute mark and then again at the 23 minute mark. I really think it was that little baby hill that got me.

    Oh! And my pace increased a teensy bit! According to the trail markers, I went a little over 2 miles (2.05 if I calculated it right). On the treadmill, I have only ever gone 1.98 miles even while running 28 minutes and my 10 minutes of warm-up & cool-down. We will see how I feel in a couple of hours, but right now I am "sailinnnnn" in the eternal words of Christopher Cross.

    Get out there, folks. You can do anything you want!

    Happy Saturday and good luck to the other C25Kers out there!

    I would be dancing next to you. There was awhile where I learned to recognize barely visible rises by the feelings of despair and doom I would consistently feel at certain places in my run. How to overcome them? You should know by this point: slow down.
  • MamaDubbs65
    MamaDubbs65 Posts: 43 Member
    Awesome!!! I did week 8 day 1 in honor of Meg but did it on a treadmill. I haven't run outside yet (too cold and snowy in WI - and I'm chicken!).
  • hteepeg
    hteepeg Posts: 64 Member
    It's the day after and my endorphins have calmed. I am checking in to let you all know that I am doing pretty good! My shins are a little sore and my calves are a little achy, but I expected a more soreness than on the treadmill. I am on the cusp of needing some new shoes, so this will be my excuse.

    Onward and upward! One more run and I will be a C25K graduate!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Wow! You go!
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    Great run. Maybe because my neighborhood has some hills but my outdoor runs kill me while the treadmill is a breeze.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Great run. Maybe because my neighborhood has some hills but my outdoor runs kill me while the treadmill is a breeze.

    Hills are speed sessions in disguise.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I"m going to switch from a treadmill to outside in the near future once it gets a bit warmer. Had been a little apprehensive but this thread is encouraging.

    Looking forward to a change of scenery. Fortunately we have a nice trail along the river about a mile from my home.