need advices to increase Low RMR



  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    Ok, I couldn't tell what's my weight exactly because of menstrual cycle, anyway it's 71.1 kg

    2nd week (last week)
    calories :1400
    exercises 5 hrs 5 mph walking + 30 min elliptical + 40 min stationary bike + 3 sessions strength training
    weight:71.1 (menstrual cycle weight about +0.5)
    If you intended to say your actual daily eating (and rough 1500 isn't it, be exact, no missing days or meals) was higher than 1370, then fill in the correct figure above.
    yes I ate 1500 cal with light active (30 min daily walking only)
    then average TDEE is 1250
    and 10% deficit 1250 x 0.9 = 1125

    should I increase my intake to 1500 or not ?
    and i'm having difficulty reaching macro 40/30/30
    last week macro 47/24/29
    is it enough to increase mass muscles or not ?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So you actually grossed 1500 - 220 avg = 1280 TDEE from results.

    So the only confirmation like I mentioned, was that coming in from the high side.

    If you feel confident it was, then indeed 10% deficit to that.

    But if it wasn't, you'll just be chasing a suppressed metabolism further down, making the whole process worse.

    You'll have to decide. Diet break is always a good idea if you haven't had one in 6 weeks.

    Now, that TDEE was based on totally different daily activity, wasn't it - so you hopefully picked up you can't use that now, since you are doing much more now.

    If you are using the spreadsheet, and you used the Progress tab's TDEE calculator, it would have told you what to change in your activity calc to match calculated TDEE to observed TDEE.
    Then you can change the exercise levels to whatever is different now, and go from there.

    It would also suggest macro levels based on actual grams, not %. Because indeed sometimes 30% is overkill from what the body can actually use, the recommended is based on actual lifters trying to increase muscle mass and the amount of protein that showed a difference. Higher is for other reasons if desired, but not needed for muscle mass or retention.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    ok my weight this week surprised me it's 69.1 on two electronic scales and morning after rest day !!!
    week 1: 70.6 (gross 1370)
    week 2: couldn't tell because of menstrual cycle -- (gross 1400)
    week 3 (last week): 69.1 (gross 1500)
    and the level of activity during the last 2 weeks is the same (5-4 hrs 5 mph walking + 30 min elliptical + 40 min stationary bike + 3 sessions strength training )

    losing 1.5 kg in two week is undesirable, i'm afraid it's mass weight!!
    should I increase my intake to 1700-1800??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'd increase another 100 for a week, and then increase another 100 for another week.

    I didn't think your stats were correct, you were not coming in from the high side then.

    Reread the topic with that knowledge then that you shouldn't have been trying to figure out real TDEE from weight loss results, as you were not coming in from the high side.
    Lot of other advice in there does apply then.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    I'd increase another 100 for a week, and then increase another 100 for another week.

    I didn't think your stats were correct, you were not coming in from the high side then.

    Reread the topic with that knowledge then that you shouldn't have been trying to figure out real TDEE from weight loss results, as you were not coming in from the high side.
    Lot of other advice in there does apply then.

    Okay, i would not relay on my weight progress to determine tdee since i only need to increase rmr currently
    But I need to know when its the time to increase my intake??
    if my weight suddenly increased after 3rd week when i upped my intake to 1500
    And stabled on the same weight for two weeks, does that mean some recovery?

    Week1 70.6 kg ( 1330)

    Week2 menstrual cycle (1400)

    Week3: 69.2 kg (1514)

    Week4 69.9 kg (1550)

    Week5 -10 march (1570) 69.9 kg
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Does indeed, that's great.

    Time to increase again, probably 100.
    If you have two valid weigh-in days during the week, use them both, just to see if fast water weight gain again.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    my weight was stable the last 4 weeks between 69.2-69.9

    i have noticed that during the menstrual cycle week and the week after it, my weight drop to 69.2

    then increased to 69.9

    anyway, my calories intake 1700-1750 since 10 days ago and my weight has not changed 69.9-69.8

    according to the spread sheet my TDEE should be between 1650-1750

    should i start cutting now???

    actually i need to start now since my wedding will be after 4 months, i want to lose 4 kg at least
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Spreadsheet is an attempt at best estimate, it still could be low. Sounds like 1750 is it.

    So take your deficit eating goal and measure accurately for food.

    Valid weigh in days should show expected amounts weekly on average if nothing else in workout changes.

    If it's what is expected at first but then starts slowing down fast, confirm the BMR and TDEE didn't change much to affect it that much, and assume you weren't at as high a level as you thought.

    Take a diet break week every 6th week just to help that too.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    Spreadsheet is an attempt at best estimate, it still could be low. Sounds like 1750 is it.

    So take your deficit eating goal and measure accurately for food.

    Valid weigh in days should show expected amounts weekly on average if nothing else in workout changes.

    If it's what is expected at first but then starts slowing down fast, confirm the BMR and TDEE didn't change much to affect it that much, and assume you weren't at as high a level as you thought.

    Take a diet break week every 6th week just to help that too.

    thank you i really appreciate your help, god bless you :)
    but do you think that i should test my tdee before cutting? to make sure if i'm right or not ?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Spreadsheet is an attempt at best estimate, it still could be low. Sounds like 1750 is it.

    So take your deficit eating goal and measure accurately for food.

    Valid weigh in days should show expected amounts weekly on average if nothing else in workout changes.

    If it's what is expected at first but then starts slowing down fast, confirm the BMR and TDEE didn't change much to affect it that much, and assume you weren't at as high a level as you thought.

    Take a diet break week every 6th week just to help that too.

    thank you i really appreciate your help, god bless you :)
    but do you think that i should test my tdee before cutting? to make sure if i'm right or not ?

    Considering 2 weeks is minor, and 250 extra calories is only 1 lb if already at TDEE, I'd say test.

    Because which is bigger deficit, 15% of a smaller number, or 15% of a bigger number?

    Also bearing in mind, 15% of potential TDEE allows better workouts and changes than 15% from suppressed TDEE, because if body already adapted your system, it's not going to want to make improvements that take even more energy it's not getting.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    last 4 days i increased my intake but my weight increased immediately from 69.8 to 70.4-70.8
    Thu 1822
    Fri 2173
    Sat 1900
    Sun 1860

    i read that If I gain fast weight then I still under TDEE ?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    last 4 days i increased my intake but my weight increased immediately from 69.8 to 70.4-70.8
    Thu 1822
    Fri 2173
    Sat 1900
    Sun 1860

    i read that If I gain fast weight then I still under TDEE ?

    Indeed, as long as valid weigh-in day removing most chances for expected water fluctuations. And didn't start new exercise program on those days.

    So if you had been eating at TDEE, there would not have been any carbs stores to top off, there would have been no fast water weight gain.

    Since you did gain fast, you did top off, which means prior eating level wasn't enough to keep them topped off normally.

    Congrats, it appears higher TDEE than you thought. You aren't doing low carb, right? Just to confirm.

    In the Activity calculator, the way you make the TDEE go up under Your Results - is increase the hours of service trade work. Just keep adding hours until the TDEE matches wherever the average eating level ends up being with your increase.

    That way if you change exercise later, you can just mess with that section, and increased TDEE from likely daily activity will remain where it should.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    In as valid weigh-in day removing most chances for expected water fluctuations. And didn't start new exercise program on those days.

    So if you had been eating at TDEE, there would not have been any carbs stores to top off, there would have been no fast water weight gain.

    Since you did gain fast, you did top off, which means prior eating level wasn't enough to keep them topped off normally.

    Congrats, it appears higher TDEE than you thought. You aren't doing low carb, right? Just to confirm.

    In the Activity calculator, the way you make the TDEE go up under Your Results - is increase the hours of service trade work. Just keep adding hours until the TDEE matches wherever the average eating level ends up being with your increase.

    That way if you change exercise later, you can just mess with that section, and increased TDEE from likely daily activity will remain where it should.
    no i dont, i couldnt live without carb
    My macro in gerneral 55/25/20 for C/F/P

    Should i eat 1800 (+100) or 1950 (+ 250) ?
    The problem is that extra weight wouldnt get off unless i eat below 1700 !
    If i eat 1800 this week and 1900 the next, can i start cutting? I wish i get ready before May
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So interesting - ate 1750 and maintenance - no loss, no gain.

    Eating, oh, 1900 and up, and only fast water weight gain - but no loss either.

    The only reason you know 1750 was NOT your real TDEE, is because you ate higher and didn't gain anything but water weight.

    But it appears body was too stressed at that lower level, and you didn't get a deficit either, right?
    If it wasn't stressed, you should have been losing slowly.

    Because while it's obvious that wasn't potential TDEE after you went higher, it's also obvious it was a deficit from a higher eating level - yet no loss occurred.

    So yes you will lose good water weight eating under 1700, and I'd suggest you also had a suppressed system at 1750.

    Was it max suppressed at 1750, meaning you could have eaten at 1500 and really lost 1 lb every 2 weeks?
    Or would your system have had room to suppress more, down max to 1600 say, and it would have taken 35 days to lose that 1 lb with only 100 cal deficit?

    Studies have shown max 20% suppression. So lets say yours really is 1900, that could mean 1520 possible. Now, I'd suggest that if you ate at 1500, you hopefully wouldn't get full 20% suppression. But perhaps your body genetically gets stressed easier.

    For whatever reason, 1750 was a deficit to what you are eating now, but no loss.

    I'd suggest you gained the last of the water weight, hit 2000 rest of this week, adjust those hours so TDEE says 2000, and next week go for TDEG.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    So interesting - ate 1750 and maintenance - no loss, no gain.

    Eating, oh, 1900 and up, and only fast water weight gain - but no loss either.

    The only reason you know 1750 was NOT your real TDEE, is because you ate higher and didn't gain anything but water weight.

    But it appears body was too stressed at that lower level, and you didn't get a deficit either, right?
    If it wasn't stressed, you should have been losing slowly.

    Because while it's obvious that wasn't potential TDEE after you went higher, it's also obvious it was a deficit from a higher eating level - yet no loss occurred.

    So yes you will lose good water weight eating under 1700, and I'd suggest you also had a suppressed system at 1750.

    Was it max suppressed at 1750, meaning you could have eaten at 1500 and really lost 1 lb every 2 weeks?
    Or would your system have had room to suppress more, down max to 1600 say, and it would have taken 35 days to lose that 1 lb with only 100 cal deficit?

    Studies have shown max 20% suppression. So lets say yours really is 1900, that could mean 1520 possible. Now, I'd suggest that if you ate at 1500, you hopefully wouldn't get full 20% suppression. But perhaps your body genetically gets stressed easier.

    For whatever reason, 1750 was a deficit to what you are eating now, but no loss.

    I'd suggest you gained the last of the water weight, hit 2000 rest of this week, adjust those hours so TDEE says 2000, and next week go for TDEG.
    okay then i will start eating 2000 calories although it will be so hard to eat healthy :l
    should i maintain at 2000 for two weeks ? I'm afraid my body couldn't adjust to that amount of calories in 1 or even 2 weeks
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    Oh forget to mention that i got my period today!
    Could it be the extra weight ??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Oh forget to mention that i got my period today!
    Could it be the extra weight ??

    Hopefully you have some experience with that to know how much is normal for you to gain. Why I've always said it takes a month for women to have any useful figures.

    I'd suggest you gained the last of the water weight, hit 2000 rest of this week, adjust those hours so TDEE says 2000, and next week go for TDEG.

    To hit 2000, you may have to change your definition of "healthy", which may be more severely restricted than needed.
    That's one pop-tart. Or serving of wasabi almonds.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    My weight today is 70.1, i have gained 200 grams
    i ate 13,770 calories in 7 days (7716*0.2=1543 calories)
    13770-1543 = 12227 / 7 days = 1746 is TDEE
    yesterday, i start cutting at 1500
    and my weight is the same as the day before cutting that means its not water weight right?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My weight today is 70.1, i have gained 200 grams
    i ate 13,770 calories in 7 days (7716*0.2=1543 calories)
    13770-1543 = 12227 / 7 days = 1746 is TDEE
    yesterday, i start cutting at 1500
    and my weight is the same as the day before cutting that means its not water weight right?

    You are going to so stress out and make this harder than it needs to be, I can tell.

    1 day? and your definition of day, midnight to midnight, your body sadly doesn't follow that arbitrarly line.

    Not sure how you could hope to discern something about water weight with no change in weight, and in 1 day.

    Did you exercise the day before either of those weigh-ins?

    Again, to repeat, you, as a woman, cannot do that math with anything but a months worth of data to try to calculate TDEE from results.

    If you had slowly gained 460 gram over that 2 weeks, sure.

    Now, you have a month of data though all at the higher eating level now, right?
    2 later weeks that added on not exactly the 1 lb, but half as much, and 2 prior weeks eating what must have been under.
    But those 2 prior weeks if truly under should have resulted in some weight loss.

    I look forward to report in a month.
    Hope you are starting with valid weigh-in day, don't change up the exercise routine totally, log food completely.
    At end of month will be big indicator of what is going on.
  • Kotori
    Kotori Posts: 34
    Okay then i should do one month of data
    But how much calories do you suggest to eat?
    And that month for example should be
    2week at 1500 then 2week 1900?