Weight Gained During Insanity

JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
Just to let y'all know... I gained some weight during Insanity (much like when I trained for a marathon), and the next week after finally completing the program I did NOT work out at ALL and actually lost all that weight. Cool thing is I have WAY IMPROVED muscle tone, so don't give up!!

So I'm thinking that weight gain was due to body inflammation. Which means over the 9 weeks of Insanity I pushed my body too hard. I'll do individual workouts again, but not in a 9 week series like that.


  • LukeKatiesMommy
    LukeKatiesMommy Posts: 11 Member
    Was it alot of weight? It frustrates me to see the scale move in the opposite direction when I am working out SO hard!
    (Starting over again lol day 2!)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    6 pounds - frustrating!
  • LukeKatiesMommy
    LukeKatiesMommy Posts: 11 Member
    I havent gained any yet (buts just been a week lol) I actually think Ive lost a lb but i dont expect the trend to last lol
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Jamiejack some people have said they gained weight but the second month they drop it plus more yet everyone is different some adjust their calorie intake others drink more water have less sodium or it could just be muscle have your inches changed ? They advise to not go by scale measurement but to use tape measurer instead
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Hi DJ, this is the same problem I had when training for my marathon. Weight and size both went up, then fell back to normal quickly after ceasing activity.

    Basically, because this weight gain fell off immediately after stopping Insanity for a week (6 pounds in 1 week, and I'm actually down lower today another 4 pounds 4 weeks later - whoo hoo!! Finally back to where I was this summer!! ) this tells me the effect was due to inflammation in my body.

    Basically I was training too hard for my body. While I was still conditioning my heart, and building strength, it was my body's way of telling me "this is not healthy for you long term."

    I like the Insanity videos though, and will add them to the mix, but just cannot do the same high-impact exercise each day.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Yeah everyone's body is different proven point but that's good Jamie and that's what I did after finishing I would do the videos 1-2x a week