1st Weigh-In

vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
Sorry forgot to add this ahead of time!

This is Wabadabadoo's 1 week:

Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:174
Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 174.2
Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 161

Sigh, no weight lost. I did stick to my goals. Maybe I need to make them stricter. Will see how this week goes and then re-*kitten*.

Sticking to your goals is most important! Good job! =)

Here's mine:

Week 1: SW 184lbs
Week 2: 182.6 lbs (-1.4lbs)


  • pinkerbell17
    pinkerbell17 Posts: 8 Member
    Here's mine:

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:177
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 173
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 162

    Yippie!!! Only 11 more to my challenge goal!! :)
  • LadyMontdore
    LadyMontdore Posts: 13 Member
    Here's mine:
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] 176 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 175 lbs
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 160 lbs
  • asherbrenn
    asherbrenn Posts: 33 Member
    First week is always the biggest drop for me, here's to hoping it keeps going down!

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] 204
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 199.6
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17] 186 Goal!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Copied from original Discussion:


    I actually just recommitted to MFP while also using Fitbit last Friday, so my weigh in days will be on Fridays which works out perfectly since St Patty's Day is also on a Friday!!. My goal is to lose 21 lbs by then!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!

    Week 0 [1/10] - SW: 271.6 lb
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] - 269.0 lb
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] -
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3] -
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10] -
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17] -
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24] -
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3] -
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10] -
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 250 lb

    Down 2.6 lb! Proud of myself on this first week back to logging on MFP!!
  • alottahunnie
    alottahunnie Posts: 22 Member
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:217
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 214.6
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 196

    I had a good week more or less! I started my cycle, but I still dropped a couple, so I feel good about that! Great job everyone!
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member

    My goal is to continue to workout 5-6 days per week and lose 15 lbs.
    Keep tracking everything I eat.
    Be fit enough to start the Insanity program I purchased ???? by May 1st (or sooner).
    To lose another 2 inches off my waist.

    Waist: 38.0"
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:224 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 221.4 lbs (2.6 lbs lost)
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 209 lbs

    So happy I am down this week!
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    DANG! Everyone is rocking it!!! Great Job!! I'm weighing in in a couple days, really nervous bc I just upped my cal goal... fingers crossed I have made even a fraction of any of your successes! Keep it up!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Hi! I'm Chris. I would like to lose 10 lbs by St. Patty's Day. My goal is to workout five days a week and stay away from trigger foods.

    Week 1 - 1/16 SW: 137.0
    Week 2 - 1/20 -- 136.8
    Week 3 - 1/27
    Week 4 - 2/3
    Week 5 - 2/10
    Week 6 - 2/17
    Week 7 - 2/24
    Week 8 - 3/3
    Week 9 - 3/10 GOAL: 127

  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:271
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 264
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: 251

  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    Joined Jun 2013
    Posts: 9
    January 14, 2014 8:34 am
    My goal is to gain confidence in the way I look. I am doing two diet bets to also reach this goal. I also want to start running again (even if it means on a treadmill until the weather improves :( ). My biggest struggle is at home because I don't want to work out and I love to snack in the evenings! Hoping I can find motivation to just become healthier overall!!
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:158.8lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 155.0
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: ?????

    I didn't eat after 8 last night and was a little hungry when I woke up this morning. I wonder how much that affected today?
  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    ......I'm never mind, it was early and apparently I couldn't think.
  • cara818
    cara818 Posts: 15
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW: 263lb
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 261 -2lbs
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 238lb
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    I was somehow extremely confused at the way we were recording weigh-ins lol I have to use this method or I will lose it lol

    Week 1 [1/13] SW:155.2
    Week 2 [1/20] 153.2
    Week 3 [1/27]
    Week 4 [2/3]
    Week 5 [2/10]
    Week 6 [2/17]
    Week 7 [2/24]
    Week 8 [3/3]
    Week 9 [3/10]
    Week 10!! [3/17] GOAL: 135
  • wabadabadoo
    wabadabadoo Posts: 43 Member
    Mmmmmm, am the only one not lost. Started the 5:2 and did it but did go out to two parties and eat copious canapés and drink much wine. Sigh.... Two more evenings out is week and a lunch, am going to try and reduce my wine intake. Going o drink lots of water. Everyone I know on this island are such great cooks though..., temptation!
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    I had a FABULOUS week eating and exercising, then the Seahawks decided to have a game and that meant having a party, and that meant drinks and food and that meant going overboard. Still I have a LOSS but I need to be more careful and not let my weekends get out of control like this.

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW: 197lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] : 195lbs
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 182lbs
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW: 210 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 207
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 190

    I did really well last week. A little bit of a slip on Sunday, but otherwise a really good week. Starting Jillian Michael's Kickbox Fast Fix today. Wish me luck!
  • asherbrenn
    asherbrenn Posts: 33 Member
    I had a FABULOUS week eating and exercising, then the Seahawks decided to have a game and that meant having a party, and that meant drinks and food and that meant going overboard. Still I have a LOSS but I need to be more careful and not let my weekends get out of control like this.

    I completely understand! Thank gosh there is only one game left of the season ;)
  • MelissaColeman1234
    Still the same... not a great week but started the ripped in 30 Jillian plan today so expecting next week to be better
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] 212.4
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 212.2
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 194

    Not a banner week but a loss still, coming off 2 large loss weeks so this is expected
  • scarletspy
    scarletspy Posts: 170 Member
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW: 300lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27] 299lbs
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 285lbs

    1lb lost but more importantly I logged everyday :)