Just begining

alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
Is anyone beginning Ripped in 30?


  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Hey, there! I'm beginning the Ripped in 30 - I just did my first day of week 1 yesterday. Before that I finished the 30 day shred. And I joined this group in an attempt to keep my motivation up :). Have you started the workout yet?
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I started doing the first day, but didn't make it the entire way through the video. I'm trying to motivate myself to do it again. Did you have good results with the shred? I've seen where some people had fantastic results, but I wasn't able to find the shred so I just grabbed Ripped in 30 instead.
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    I'm pretty happy with my 30ds results. I lost a few kilos, but most importantly gained endurance and got a firmer and more toned body - even if I didn't finish it in 30 days, it took me more like 3 months. And I didn't really follow any diet, I just tried to eat more healthy food but still with some chocolate here and there :). I remember my first day, I thought I was going to die! I couldn't keep up, not even with the modified versions! But then it gets easier with every day, you just have to keep at it. I know it is hard to do it all over again the next day, but you really can see progress in the number of reps you can do and then you even start using heavier weights. Voluntarily :)

    But even with the 30ds finished, I still found the Ri30 week 1 to be quite hard, I couldn't finish all of the exercises either. So don't feel bad about your first try, everything is better than nothing! But if you would still rather start with the 30ds, you can get the videos on YouTube.

    Time for my second attempt at the week 1 video...
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    How'd it go? lol

    I was so sore, even though I didn't finish the workout!!!! It was quite embarassing and a huge eye opener about how out of shape I actually am.
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Actually, it wasn't that bad. Ok, I still had to rest a little in between and I couldn't finish the first two ab exercises (the hollow man kills me!) or the second round of the running man. And even though I used 1kg weights (yesterday I used 0.5 kg) I only burned 240 calories (290 yesterday). Weird. Also I felt it was over sooner than yesterday :)

    I know what you mean, I was sore all over when I did my first 30ds and from then on I do a lot more stretching exercises at the end than the videos show. It really helps. You just have to keep in mind that what you are doing is not easy at all and you deserve a medal for even trying!

    So, which video did you decide on?
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I'm going to start Ripped in 30, hopefully tomorrow. My dad had an appendicitis yesterday and went into emergency surgery so I didn't do anything exept pace a lot. (I should have logged that lol)

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that had trouble with the running man. lol

    So what's your plan? are you going to get to where you can really do level one before moving to level two? or are you just going to do it the 7 days and then move on?
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he's ok. I'm sure exercise is probably the last thing on your mind right now.

    My plan is to do the week 1 for 6 days and then take the 7th day (Sunday) off and treat myself to a couple of hours of sauna and relaxation :). Next week I'm planning on doing the same thing with Ri30 week 2 and so on. My goal isn't really to keep up with them 100%, just to be active for at least 30 minutes a day and change the routine before I get bored of it and give the whole thing up :).

    The sooner you start the better. If you can't keep up, just take a few seconds to rest. Believe me, those breaks will get shorter every day. Let me know how it goes!
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. And then when I'm whining Saturday that my butt hurts-you can tell me to suck it up and do it. lol
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    You can count on it! :)

    Just try to add more stretching moves at the end, especially for shoulders and glutes. Otherwise no amount of tough love will make you do it again the next day :)
  • Wifey7891
    I felt the same way with RI30. I got the dvd and tried it out, made it to week 2 and then stopped. This time I started right after christmas and have been at it since. Ive made it all the way through to week 4 and I feel very strong. Keep at it! The more you build up your strength and endurance the more you will actually come to enjoy the workouts! Just stick with it. Consistency is key. Some days I just don't feel like working out after work, but I push through and am happy when I finish. Its only 25 minutes of the day.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I'm going to try getting up and doing it in the mornings before anyone else in my house wakes up, therefore there's no excuse not to do it.
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Nice, I like your plan! I always exercise in the evenings, then take a shower and go straight to bed. I'm too exhausted for anything else :). Although I know I should probably eat something after working out, but by that time it is too late for food.

    Today was my 5th day of week 1 and I'm happy to say I finally completed it without any pauses or modifications :) (ok, except for the one for obliques - I did those raises with stacked legs, but on my elbow, not my hand...crazy Jillian!).

    @Wifey7891, congrats on sticking with it for so long! Did you find week 2 to be a lot harder than week 1? I'm a little scared of it now... o.0