Hello everyone! :flowerforyou: Hope your year has started off on the right foot! If not well switch feet!!:tongue:

I am interested in starting a topic about RESOLUTIONS! Share with us some of your New Year Resolutions and what you've done so far to accomplish them.

This is for all in the group pre-op and post!

If you are struggling getting started with putting your plans into action sometimes letting others know what your goals are, are a great way of getting you started!

I ask you all to encourage one another and if you see a goal that you can offer advice for Please do so!!

We are al in this together!! :drinker: :drinker:

:heart: HAPPY NEW YEAR! :heart:


  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    From a fitness perspective, start real strength training. Progess on this is going well. I am doing a push up challenge in Jan and have only missed 2 days.

    From a personal personal, overcoming fear. I sometimes feel like I am afraid of everything and really, what's the worst that could happen. My new mantras for 2014: you learn more from failure than success and failure is not falling down, its refusing to get back up!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    My scale goal is that I would really like to get to my "normal" range by the end of this year.

    As far as fitness, I'm also starting strength training just as soon as the baby makes his way out. My husband promised me a home gym to go with my treadmill. I might get it sooner than expected though and if the doctor clears me I'll start doing small weights/high reps until I can increase.
  • I have quit smoking. I watched the Allen Carr webcast and...that was it, I've stopped and the weird thing is - I didn't really want to quit.

    Obviously I did. I've hated the smell, the spend, the health issues etc. for a long, long time now and I've attempted quits so many times.

    This time is a bit unusual and I'm wondering if I've been brainwashed. I didn't think it was going to work and...I didn't think I was going to quit and...that felt reassuring because I didn't really want to quit and...I've not smoked since I watched it last Saturday.

    No NRT , no stress, no mental breakdowns that punctuated my last 'quits'. I'm just not smoking. I have no urge or desire. I am occasionally feeling the 'hollow feeling that's a bit like hunger' but, it's easy to brush that off. I've told my family off for being such dirty, lazy, slobs but, haven't broken down in a wailing pool of tears clamoring for my next cigarette.

    In all honesty I don't know what's happened. I've got to say - I'm waiting for the spell to end...this is just too easy...

    Second is my food - I have, have, have to get my head around this and reign my food intake in - I'm going to be honest here - I am so looking forward to the Op and to not feeling quite so constantly hungry.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Have more fun daily
    Not worry about age
    Live in the moment
    Enjoy my new better body, and not stress about age appropriate clothing
    Accept compliments without additional info.
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    My resolutions are to eat more fruits and (especially) veggies. To this day, I still suck at this! It doesn't help that I don't like most vegetables, but I'm trying to force myself to eat them. The ones I DO like aren't very good for me.

    My fitness goal is to become a kickboxing instructor, where I currently take classes, by the end of the year (or at least start the instructor training by the end of the year). I go 6 days a week currently. 3 days each week are kickboxing, 3 days are strength training.

    Another fitness goal I have is to start going to more than one kickboxing/strength training class each day. Right now I'm starting off with going to 2 classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's which are strength training days. My schedule doesn't always permit this, but I'm trying. Once my body gets more accustomed to the extra classes, I will start going to double kickboxing classes as well (I'm a little addicted if you can't tell lol)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I don't generally make New Year's resolutions, because I believe I can make changes any day of the year, but, given that I made some pretty drastic life changes by having sleeve surgery, this year I did tell myself that I need to get better about trying new foods now that I am almost 4 months out from my surgery, and I need to work on adding in fruits and veggies, which is hard when I barely have room for the protein! I also want to try new things as far as exercising too, to keep things interesting!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I have quit smoking.

    That is GREAT!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Congrats and continued success in being a Quiter AND A Loser!!:bigsmile:
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    These are are AWESOME Goals folks!! Wonderful and please reach out to the group if you need to!

    We are a special group of people who decided to take the steps NOW to get healthy and we should lean on each other for support!

  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    My resolutions are to eat more fruits and (especially) veggies. To this day, I still suck at this! It doesn't help that I don't like most vegetables, but I'm trying to force myself to eat them. The ones I DO like aren't very good for me.

    My fitness goal is to become a kickboxing instructor, where I currently take classes, by the end of the year (or at least start the instructor training by the end of the year). I go 6 days a week currently. 3 days each week are kickboxing, 3 days are strength training.

    Another fitness goal I have is to start going to more than one kickboxing/strength training class each day. Right now I'm starting off with going to 2 classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's which are strength training days. My schedule doesn't always permit this, but I'm trying. Once my body gets more accustomed to the extra classes, I will start going to double kickboxing classes as well (I'm a little addicted if you can't tell lol)

    You sound like me with the veggies. I've finally just decided I'm a lacto-carnivore. The mostly protein diet actually works very well for my tastes. I think the last green thing I ate was cheese that was a little old.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I resolve to drink a veggie smoothie occasionally