Training program with weightlifting

I'm looking for a six month, three day-a-week training program for my first triathlon in August. Three days-a-week because I also want to continue weight lifting on the alternate days.

I'm starting from a position of ok fitness - I can run ten miles and swim one mile. My cycling is definitely a weak point, however, since I've not ridden a bike any appreciable distance in nearly 20 years. Indeed I currently don't even own a bike, a situation which obviously needs remedying.

My local triathlon is held mid-late August, and I've set myself the goal of doing at least the sprint distance, and preferably the Olympic. If it makes any difference to the training plan, it's a hilly course.

Any smart plans out there that fit my needs? I've been googling, but most plans understandably want to break the training up over six days.


  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    What does your current lifting schedule look like?
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    What does your current lifting schedule look like?

    I do strong lifts on Tues, Thurs, Sat. I'm on the second stage, which drops from 5 sets to 3.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Alright I'd set up your week something like this:

    T- 3x5- short run
    W- interval ride, form swim
    Th- 3x5- recovery ride (maybe add in some tabata in the middle or one legged peddling)
    F- interval or tempo run
    Sa- 3x5- endurance swim
    Sunday- Long ride or long run

    I would set up 6 seperate 1 month blocks where you add time/distance to the interval and long workouts for the first 3 weeks and then cut off 1/3 of the volume for a deload week (much like a lifting program), then change up the workouts a little and repeat. Since you're already able to run ten miles I would focus on the bike and run speed while just testing every few weeks to see if your run endurance is regressing or holding steady.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Thanks Scott, I appreciate the advice. Are there any recommended pre-built programs out there that fit this format, or could be adjusted to fit it?
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I can only think of the ones at I know there are other free ones out there. Maybe check at Training Peaks.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Alright I'd set up your week something like this:

    T- 3x5- short run
    W- interval ride, form swim
    Th- 3x5- recovery ride (maybe add in some tabata in the middle or one legged peddling)
    F- interval or tempo run
    Sa- 3x5- endurance swim
    Sunday- Long ride or long run

    I would set up 6 seperate 1 month blocks where you add time/distance to the interval and long workouts for the first 3 weeks and then cut off 1/3 of the volume for a deload week (much like a lifting program), then change up the workouts a little and repeat. Since you're already able to run ten miles I would focus on the bike and run speed while just testing every few weeks to see if your run endurance is regressing or holding steady.

    You don't recommend any brick bike to run especially if she attempts the Olympic distance? Which in my opinion a sprint would probably be a joke for her. I'm just curious...
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Alright I'd set up your week something like this:

    T- 3x5- short run
    W- interval ride, form swim
    Th- 3x5- recovery ride (maybe add in some tabata in the middle or one legged peddling)
    F- interval or tempo run
    Sa- 3x5- endurance swim
    Sunday- Long ride or long run

    I would set up 6 seperate 1 month blocks where you add time/distance to the interval and long workouts for the first 3 weeks and then cut off 1/3 of the volume for a deload week (much like a lifting program), then change up the workouts a little and repeat. Since you're already able to run ten miles I would focus on the bike and run speed while just testing every few weeks to see if your run endurance is regressing or holding steady.

    You don't recommend any brick bike to run especially if she attempts the Olympic distance? Which in my opinion a sprint would probably be a joke for her. I'm just curious...

    Yeah. I always run 25-35 minutes coming off my long rides. Long bricks are pretty useless physiologically.