Interrmittent Fasting and IIFYM

Hi wondering if someone can help or just confirm that I should keep doing what I'm doing... I'm 5'8 female and 170lbs. I've been intermittent fasting for about two months and love it (I don't want any advise or scare tactics on this I do a 16:8 fast and it works wonderfully for my life). I just recently as of last week added IIFYM to the mix. I'm having problems first, consuming 1600 calories in 8 hours with IIFYM (I must have not been eating enough before!), I find that my meal planning is mainly around the protein and I'm not getting as near as many veggies that I'm used to and I'm like SICK full with all this protein. Will my body start just adjusting to all this protein... I just feel full allll day! (170g of protein a day!)? I'm currently at 30% fat and 30% carbs... What do people recommend for fat intake 15%, 20%, 30%...? Anyone else struggle in the beginning, DID IT GET BETTER? I'm looking to lose another 10-15lbs and also I'm doing HIIT workouts 4 to 5 days a week.

Any advice esp. anyone who has tried IIFYM and IF together would be greatly appreciated!