Olympic Barbell?


So- today was my first day doing the B workout of Stage 1, and I was pretty hesitant about Deadlifts. I'm kind of scared of doing them wrong (don't worry- I've emailed a trainer, and will be working with him on it) and realized that the regular bar (45lb) may be too heavy for me to start off with. I did a couple, I don't think I hurt myself, but I don't think my form was correct- and so I stopped early and decided to seek that trainer for advice.

Has anyone else had this problem? What did you substitute in the mean time? I also felt that putting it on the ground had it in a position that was too low for good form- did anyone set it on blocks or weights?



  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did! I used the 15lb ez curl bar after I did the same thing you did. I think I threw probably five or ten pounds on it--I can't remember now. I still use the ez curl bar even though I could deadlift at least 70lb at the end of stage 1, mostly because I'm wee (under 5') and it's easier for me to balance. Also using the lighter bar means I can give it a little lift with taller plates.
  • lisainthefield
    okay- AWESOME. I saw these from across the weight room and thought maybe that was a good option.

    Thank you sleepyjen!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    you're welcome! Their weight can vary so you might want to ask. I stood on a scale with and without it to find out what ours weighs :)