Finished W3 Started W4 - 59.9KG ->57.1KG

I started W4 this morning.
My results so far:

Start: Jan 2 2014 - 59.9
End of Week2 : 58.5
End of Week3 : 57.1

Total Loss So far: 2.8KG

I've finally gone below my pre Christmas weight.
Parts of my abs are starting to show and my arms are starting to look somewhat toned.
I'm starting to get definition in my legs.
Not bad for 3 weeks of results especially because we had some guests over for the week!

I have not been following the meal plan but have tried to stay net of 1200 after exercise.
I am eating about 1500 to 1600 calories per day.
I am also walking or cycling to burn extra calories to allow for some treats. (like chocolates and alcohol!)
I will report back again next week~