chicken and mushrooms

MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
this is a post from

I’ve found, in my experience, that people either love mushrooms or they hate them. Every once in a while I’ll run into the rare person who says, “Enhhh, I can take them or leave them,” but again…that’s pretty rare.

Me? Definitely on Team Mushroom! I put them in egg scrambles, on tortilla pizzas, in casseroles…and now in this yummy and quick skillet dish.

But when I posted the picture of it on the Bariatric Foodie Facebook Wall yesterday, I was reminded of the polarizing effect of mushrooms (and mushroom sauce). To those who hate mushrooms I have this to say: play with your food!

Nik’s Zesty Skillet Mushroom Chicken


1 lb. chicken breasts
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Salt and pepper
1 medium onion, cut into slivers
About 6-8 large button mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp low-calorie butter stick (or butter, if that’s your thing)
10.5 oz. can of low-fat cream of mushroom soup
½ c. skim milk
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard



Try my chicken marinating technique: place chicken in a zip-top bag with a container of unflavored Greek yogurt for a few hours. Do it in the morning before you leave for work and trust me, your chicken will be transformed! I’ve not yet a chicken intolerant person yet who hasn’t been able to eat chicken made this way, so give it a try! I promise, the yogurt cooks off and you will NOT taste it!

Once you are ready to cook, season your chicken with garlic and onion powders, salt and pepper on both sides. Then cook your chicken in a heavily sprayed skillet (don’t use your George Foreman or grill pan for this one. I’ll tell you why in a moment.)

When chicken is done, set it aside but don’t cut it yet. Let it reabsorb those juices! Meanwhile, toss your tablespoon of butter in the skillet and let it melt down, then add the mushrooms and onions. Cook until softened, stirring often. This is where the skillet comes in handy. The little bits of crud left by your chicken go into the onions and mushrooms, infusing it with flavor!

NOW dice up your chicken and return it to the skillet and stir.

Add your cream of mushroom soup and milk and stir that thoroughly and then taste. If you need more salt or pepper (I like a LOT of pepper in this), adjust. Let it come to a bubble.

Finally, add your two tablespoons of Dijon mustard and stir that into the entire mixture and let it simmer another five minutes or so.

This stuff is SOOOOO good! I am eating mine atop some cauliflower rice. If your family is into mushroom chicken, this would go well with regular rice or atop a REALLY crusty piece of bread (provided you can handle being around said crusty bread).