Week 4!

kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
Hey Everybody!!! How are ya'll doing?? Are you seeing change?? if so what kind of change?? Are the work outs starting to get easier??


  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I have one more work out and then I will have finished week 4.

    I am finding the workouts a *little* easier. My favourite is Cardio Recovery or Cardio Abs.

    I am seeing more definition in my arms, legs and midsection which is great.
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    I caught the flu so im still in week 3
    i should start up again tomorrow
  • squid1979
    squid1979 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm currently a couple of days behind. I think I caught a little virus during the week. I felt really flat, but I'm back into it again. I'll do Plyometric Cardio and Cardio Recovery today which will almost get me back on track.

    I've lost a couple kilos and about 1% body fat. Now down to 69Kg and ~16% body fat. The adjustment I made to calorie target seems to have made a difference.

    Still not sure if I'm seeing any changes in definition. When I take my next set of progress photos I'll be able to make a comparison.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    After completing Month 1 of the Insanity workout (28 days)

    I have averaged 2000 calories and 92g of carbs per day over that time period. But I have stuck to the Insanity workout calendar.

    Weight: down by .4kg /400g

    Body Fat: down by .4%

    Bust: - down by 2cm

    Waist: - down by 3cm

    Hips - down by 1cm

    Bellybutton - down by 4cm

    My thighs definitely gotten slimmer and more toned, but I never measured them.