Fit Test Stats
Everyone, lets all post our Fit Test Stats and motivate each other to be the best we can be. Week 1 Switch Kicks - Power Jacks - Power Knees - Power Jumps - Globe Jumps - Suicide Jumps - Push-Up Jacks - Low Plank Oblique -
Since we are all going to be relying on each other for motivation and support through the next 60 days, how about we take the time to get to know each other a little. Just tell a little bit about yourself, what your goals are with Insanity, and how you plan to accomplish those goals. I'll start it off. I'm Kara. I just go…
Finally completed the 60 day Insanity workout! Original Fit Test result: 404 - had to stop the DVD 3 times for a retch/lie on the floor break Final Fit Test result: 574 - NO stopping for retch breaks! Improvement of 170 moves in under a minute each. Measurements: 13cm off Weight: Down 1.3kg Body Fat: Down 0.8% Bust: Down…
Week 4!
Hey Everybody!!! How are ya'll doing?? Are you seeing change?? if so what kind of change?? Are the work outs starting to get easier??
Week 3!!
Good Morning Everybody... How are you work outs going?? I had to take a break since I rolled my ankle the other night but I'm back at it tonight... I'm missing my work outs... Are you starting to see change?? Are you feeling differant??
Week 2
Hey everybody!! Hows the work outs going?? Are they getting easier?? Are you starting to feel/see a differance?? I had to take a rest day yesterday I rolled my ankle trying to break one of my kids toys the other night while folding clothes.. I shall see how I feel once I get off work today.. I hope everybody's doing good..…
First week thoughts?
many of you will be coming up to your first rest day (i celebrated by doing a hip hop abs workout!) so what are your thoughts so far? i've been here before and all i can really say (which wont help much) is that it gets easier. at least, the first stage will. then the second stage will come and totally kick your butt!…
my favourite Insanity workout so far...
is Pure Cardio! I just love it! no breaks, no repeating exercises, you just start, bust your butt, and then youre done! I think this would also be my fave over all of the stage 2 workouts. I don't burn as much as the other workouts, but the fact that there are no breaks is a winner for me! it should go on for another 10-15…
Starting late but at least I'm starting
In about an hour I'm going to do my fit test. My plan was to start on the 15th with friends but my group of 5 is now only 2 ppl. I had a snow day from work, so why not start now. I lost about 30 lbs last year and I know that I could have pushed myself more. Hopefully with support I can go the distance
Day 1
Hey, I live in one of the first places of the world to see 2014. :wink: I celebrated the new year with a bottle of wine and vodka at my friend's place, was in bed by 1am and decided to get started on Insanity today. The Fit Test - I actually did this yesterday (31Dec13). I had to stop to dry retch a couple of times. So…
Welcome to Insanity
This will begin in January 2014, ideas for starting dates welcome, the more people that can start at the same time the better, please post your ideas.... I will update this over the next 2 weeks, any ideas welcome how to track stats, what to track etc.. please feel free to leave any feed back too