Arthritis/ autoimmunity folks, what are your trigger foods?

superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
I am curious to hear the range of foods that cause symptoms for others.

I have the beginnings of osteoarthritis in my hands, wrists and feet and tested high for an antibody that is an indicator for rheumatoid arthritis (anti-ccp). I haven't been diagnosed with RA yet and hope to keep it that way (I am only 40 years old). I've been doing paleo for about six months and saw great improvement in the pain/stiffness in my joints as well as energy levels. I've read a lot of the paleo books and definitely notice that my strongest reactions are to dairy, gluten, and eggs - all on the autoimmune protocol list. I went on vacation last week and let my guard down for a few days (two small cheese exposures and a few beers) and am really feeling the effects. I am starting an autoimmune protocol again on Saturday, however, I feel like there may be something else I am reacting to in addition to my current list. I am just curious what others have found to be their biggest offenders?


  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    For me, sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup) and nightshades are the biggest inflammation triggers. I also gave up caffeine, eggs, nuts and dairy when I first started Paleo and kept it up for about six months and have been able to reintroduce them without a problem.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Corn, nightshades but most especially potatoes and gluten are my main ones.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    This topic is very interesting, as I went through a period of a bit of pain coming back in my joints during Christmas holiday period. The pain is gone again, so I had to go back into my MFP diary to see what food may have caused it (geez I love data and empirical evidence!). What I can see different to what I eat today is elevated consumption of nightshades, namely tomatoes, egg plant and bell peppers. Now that I'm back at home, I don't eat as much of that, unlike during Christmas holiday, I went back home to my mothers house and ate what was prepared there. Although, I should also note that I maintained the same low carb eating, stayed in ketosis, no bread, no pasta, no potato, etc.

    So anyways, I think I may have discovered something new about myself. But, I now need to plan a testing period to confirm if my observations are correct. I will have to isolate a period of time where I eat nightshades in a concentrated amount, and keep rigorous data of any pain I feel, go back to detox for a period again still taking data, and then possibly repeat the cycle again.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and notice a significant reduction in pain if I avoid dairy and gluten. I avoided eggs for a long time and have recently reintroduced them and have been suffering back pain. I really don't want to remove them from my diet again but feel I may need to. I also eat a lot of tomatoes and peppers so this thread is making me think although I don't know how I would remove those from my diet. I think my life is going to be about changing and reassessing my diet. Sometimes I wish I didn't need to deal with all this crap.
  • Sugar,sugar and more sugar.I have serious pain in my joints when I am on a sugar binge.
    I also have an issue with coffee,wheat,dairy and nightshades(especially tomatoes).
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I resolved almost all health problems with a ketogenic Primal diet; however, though joint pain had improved it was not gone. I inadvertently didn't eat nightshades for a couple of weeks and the pain completely disappeared (good thing I log my food or I wouldn't have known the secret!). So I now enjoy nightshades but only in limited amounts and not every day. Joint pain free for 14 months. yay.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    For me sugar causes joint pain. I woke up one day about 8 weeks ago having eaten 1 slice if tiramisu (which also has gluten, dairy, alcohol, etc etc etc) , my right wrist ached badly, and my left and my knees and woke me through the night. In my half sleep state I woke thinking oh, this must be arthritis, oh, I don;t want to have a life with arthiritis, I am not ready for that, I'm not old enough, oh, I won;t be able to ride for much longer..... and then after a few minutes I came into consciousness and thought- oh, I had better not do that ever again- and stopped any wheat sugar dairy etc.

    Its the sugar that makes me ache. Grain of any kind and wheat the most, makes my belly swell.. dairy gives me sinus problems, alcohol burn my mouth and makes my lips swell- just like lipsticks and anything toxic.
  • naariel
    naariel Posts: 37
    I have Crohn's so it's not my joints that are affected. Gluten and dairy are my biggest triggers. I don't digest rice too, but not sure if it provokes inflammation - and don't really care since I avoid all grains anyway.
    Nightshades, especially bell pepper, make me burp for hours, and it's going TMI but it's bell pepper smelling burps so I know they're guilty. It's more my stomach than my guts that's upset though. Didn't notice any flare, in any case.
    Legumes cause some bloating, but again I'm not sure if they provoke a flare or not. Anyway bloating is enough to suppress them of my diet.
  • kskroch
    kskroch Posts: 288 Member
    Over the holidays and for a good couple weeks following - got into wheat and sugar (cookies, crackers and desserts) my joints were bothering me and a couple patches of dry skin broke out.