24 Jan Mid week catch up

cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
Better week so far for me, have been more disciplined with snacking during the day and better logging – hopefully will reflect on the scales on Monday. Am now in week 10 of turbofire and it’s tough – but only 2 weeks till I get to the end of the official schedule :happy: and still mulling over what to do next.

Weekend plans include a cocktail party for my cousin’s birthday so planning to take a range of low cal mixers :drinker: . Anyone else got something fun planned?


  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Good idea with the low cal mixers! My week is going pretty great exercise & calorie-wise. I had a goal of exercising 5-6 times a week...and that really hasn't happened (I think 3-4 is more accurate)... but I'm still seeing results and I'm REALLY happy! My stomach looked completely flat in the mirror this morning. It was weird... I never thought my belly could look like that after having a baby. :) I haven't lost a full pound yet since Monday, but I'm optimistic that I'll make some progress over the weekend :D Good luck this weekend, everyone!
  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    Having a mixed week here! It started off a little dicey, but I decided on Tuesday to cut my intake of processed grains and added sugars down to just about zilch. I know that weight loss is simply intake vs. output, but if I take away some of the temptations of pointless calories, I think it feels like a mental victory. :)

    I have a busy weekend, too, with out-of-town friends on their way in today and two dinners hosted by other families. I also have a gymnastics class with my toddler tomorrow morning and we're volunteering with the Beargrease sled dog race. If I eat in moderation at the aforementioned dinners, the daytime exercise should help add a bit of balance!

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • BeckyLF05
    BeckyLF05 Posts: 115 Member
    This week is better for me, too! I've fell completely in love with Zumba. I exercise sometimes TWICE a day just because it's fun. I have been strict with the eating/logging and I'm hoping it reflects on the scale on Monday. The weekend is going to be TOUGH. We have some relatives visiting and you know how that usually goes food wise. I WILL SURVIVE!!!! :drinker:
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    My week's been pretty good so far. My weight loss definitely slowed a bit but I totally expected that. I'm trying to focus less on the scale but I can't seem to detach myself. I added 1% incline to my treadmill runs. The first time was pretty tough. Last night I managed my full regular run with the incline.

    I don't have much planned for the weekend other than my 11 year old daughter having 5 friends over for the weekend. We also have my 1 year old nephew over for a couple of weeks (his mom had a baby). It's gonna be noisy! Good thing I no longer crave junk snacks.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Funny that Shmu mentioned treadmill incline, that's my new favorite calorie burner at the Y. After an elliptical session or a treadmill run, I'll add some more calories to the total burn by setting the treadmill to 6 degrees or more incline and then walk (feels like climb). Talk about burning those glutes. The calorie meter moves nicely so it doesn't take long to burn another 100-200 calories as a "warm-down" and it works on those buns of steel.

    I'm still struggling to leave some calories on the table after a big workout, I am having a slower rate of loss as a result. I knew losing was going to get harder as I got lower on the scale and I'm really struggling in the evenings. I think more water will help. I have a party to attend on Sunday afternoon--don't they know I have a Monday morning weigh-in?
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    This week hasn't been too bad on me. I celebrated 6 months of being smoke-free on Wednesday. I didn't cave in to any cravings I had this week, which is AWESOME!!! I hope to be able to get out of the house this weekend and do some walking. Hopefully it won't be too cold! I like to walk the park across the street from the house but I have been cooped up in the house most of this week and forced to use my elliptical since it has been near freezing down here in the south. :grumble: Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :smile:
  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    I have been doing great all week until today. I have just felt soooo hungry. I managed to stay in my calorie budget, but barely ... ate back all of the calories that I exercised off this morning. I indulged in a few extra cookies when friends were over tonight. Oh, well. Tomorrow's a new day! :smile:

    This weekend should be fun but probably tough to stay on track. Tomorrow we're visiting some friends in the afternoon, then a date with DH in the evening, and a baby shower on Sunday afternoon. Two words: portion control. :ohwell:

    Good luck on your weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone, I'm new to this and am not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do! :blushing:
    I would like to be below 100kg by April 1st. I am weighing myself Tuesday so I'll let you all know!

  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    This week hasn't been too bad on me. I celebrated 6 months of being smoke-free on Wednesday. I didn't cave in to any cravings I had this week, which is AWESOME!!! I hope to be able to get out of the house this weekend and do some walking. Hopefully it won't be too cold! I like to walk the park across the street from the house but I have been cooped up in the house most of this week and forced to use my elliptical since it has been near freezing down here in the south. :grumble: Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :smile:

    Good for you on the smoking! Keep it up. I quit 2.5 years ago and have never looked back. Contrary to what many people say, you do reach a point where smoking is not even on your radar. I definitely think I would never have been able to exercise the amount I now do had I not speed smoking.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    I am from London and our Winter is treating us much better than it is America it would seem. I went for my first parkrun (3 miles).
    Walked most of it, hardly did any running. Came last - wheezed and breathless :frown: .... but still used up a bunch of calories!

    The initial start-diet easy-weightloss period is over so despite increased exercise this built-in duvet isn't wanting to shift anymore so the hard work will begin next month. I am relating this to mulecanter's statistic of 90% drop-out rate and questing to be on of the fighting statistic rather than the give-up majority
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    So far so good this week. Australia Day Celebrations this weekend. Nothing even looked good to me that was there to eat.

    Going to have some scorcher days this week. Been working hard getting some training courses ready to present so haven't really exercised much this week.