5 Day Fat Fast - Who's in?



  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I did a 5 day fat fast but averaging around 1300 cals. I lost 5 lbs, gained back 3, did not lose any inches. I will not do this again. Would have been happy if I lost inches instead of weight. Just my 2 cents.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    yeah, you guys are right. I was thinking I could eat 1000 calories a day of anything - whether it's carbs, protein or fat, and have the exact same results. last week before the fat fast I was eating around 1800-2000 calories a day but not losing, which was frustrating. But I felt good. now I just feel like crap! I'm just going to finish up today with this fat fast just to see where it goes and then go back to regular keto tomorrow.

    Thanks everyone!! :)
    As long as this was a learning experience it was not a waisted experience.:flowerforyou:
  • 82jeh
    82jeh Posts: 53 Member
    yeah, you guys are right. I was thinking I could eat 1000 calories a day of anything - whether it's carbs, protein or fat, and have the exact same results. last week before the fat fast I was eating around 1800-2000 calories a day but not losing, which was frustrating. But I felt good. now I just feel like crap! I'm just going to finish up today with this fat fast just to see where it goes and then go back to regular keto tomorrow.

    Thanks everyone!! :)
    As long as this was a learning experience it was not a waisted experience.:flowerforyou:

    I appreciate you saying that! Thank you! :)
  • 82jeh
    82jeh Posts: 53 Member
    Day 4 : Thank goodness it's over!

    Weight : 134.5
    BF% : 28%

    Goals :
    1. Did it break my plateau? YES.
    2. Did it put me into keto? YES.
    3. Did I lose fat and spare muscle? NO. I lost both fat and muscle.

    Day 0 137.5 pounds x 28% BF = 38.5 pounds fat, 99 pounds other stuff
    Day 1 138.5 pounds x 29% BF = 40.165 pounds fat, 98.335 pounds other stuff
    Day 4 134.5 pounds x 28% BF = 37.66 pounds fat, 96.84 pounds other stuff

    I think just being mildly dehydrated or more hydrated than the previous day when you weigh in will greatly affect your body weight and bf%. This is probably not the most accurate way to measure body fat lost or gained. But it's interesting to see the trends.

    On today's menu : Cream cheese, smoked salmon and coffee

    102 grams of fat, 81 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbs, 1310 calories total

    Exercise : rest

    I think it'll be interesting to add back in my protein requirements and see how much weight I gain back. Hopefully I'll still lose weight.

    Thoughts about yesterday : meant to jog 3 miles on the treadmill before working out, made it to 1/2 mile before I completely gave up due to lack of energy. made it through my training session, though just barely. The coconut milk before working out didn't help.

    Bonus : I can see a 4 pack on my abs now, instead of just the two little lumps at the top near my ribs lol. :)

    will check back in tomorrow, thanks for reading! :)
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    There is a reason body builders dehydrate before a show. It helps reveal muscle that would otherwise be covered by fully hydrated skin. Don't feel like you have failed if the 4pack fades as you're skin plumps back up.
  • 82jeh
    82jeh Posts: 53 Member
    There is a reason body builders dehydrate before a show. It helps reveal muscle that would otherwise be covered by fully hydrated skin. Don't feel like you have failed if the 4pack fades as you're skin plumps back up.

    Thanks for that! It's a good point. :)

    Day 5 : OMG my coworkers aren't going to make fun of my lunch anymore.

    Weight : 135.5
    BF% : 27%

    Yesterdays's actual menu : coffee, cream cheese, smoked salmon, macadamia nuts, mixed nuts (1/2 oz), almond butter, and pork rinds. And lots of water of course, 5-6 liters.

    calories 1488, carbs 13 grams, fat 117 grams, protein 89 grams, fiber 5 grams

    Thoughts about yesterday : my legs started cramping up. So i went to walmart and bought magnesium and potassium supplements. I usually take a centrum women's daily multivitamin and biotin. yesterday i added vit c, iron, magnesium and potassium, and still had leg cramps. so i took more potassium, and still was not happy. I'm having coconut juice for breakfast just for the potassium.

    Overall :

    3. Did I lose fat and spare muscle? Maybe yes.

    Day 0 137.5 pounds x 28% BF = 38.5 pounds fat, 99 pounds other stuff
    Day 1 138.5 pounds x 29% BF = 40.165 pounds fat, 98.335 pounds other stuff
    Day 4 134.5 pounds x 28% BF = 37.66 pounds fat, 96.84 pounds other stuff

    Day 5 135.5 pounds x 27% BF = 36.585 pounds fat, 98.915 pounds other stuff

    Would i do this again? Only if i was absolutely desperate, like, i couldn't fit into my wedding dress or somethihng lol.

    Thanks for reading.
    Game over! :)
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    The cramps likely tie to low sodium.

    From "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" Low carb diets are natriuretic - they make the kidneys dump sodium. Sodium deficiency can cause headache, dizziness and fatigue. With continued low carb intake and sodium restriction, at some point your kidneys start to excrete potassium in order to conserve sodium. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, cardiac dysrythmia. it can also cause the body to lose muscle, even when there's plenty of protein in the diet.

    Add in a cup of salty broth.
  • 82jeh
    82jeh Posts: 53 Member
    The cramps likely tie to low sodium.

    From "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" Low carb diets are natriuretic - they make the kidneys dump sodium. Sodium deficiency can cause headache, dizziness and fatigue. With continued low carb intake and sodium restriction, at some point your kidneys start to excrete potassium in order to conserve sodium. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, cardiac dysrythmia. it can also cause the body to lose muscle, even when there's plenty of protein in the diet.

    Add in a cup of salty broth.

    Thanks! I'm going to do that right now!!
  • tabithamason
    Thanks for sharing your experience! When you left the fat fast and went back to full on keto eating, did you gain some of that weight back
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    This just doesn't seem like a healthy approach to Keto or to life. This plan and these behaviors smack of anorexia athletica/exercise bulimia.

    As a person who is 8 years into eating disorder recovery, I appreciate that this group is about being healthy and fueling our bodies sufficiently. Posts like this topic make me really uncomfortable.

    ^^^ THIS,

    THE OP ONLY WEIGHS 135lb, people!