Alternative to Conventional Deadlifts???

WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
Hi all,

I am in the process of finding out what is going on with my lower back. My chiropractor diagnosed me with slight scoliosis in the lumbar area, and I finally just got an MRI with the results of arthritis in the L4/L5 region. I couldn't get an appointment with a back specialist until late February but I want to get back to lifting again. I had started NROL4W in June 2012 and was running three days a week to train for my Air Force fitness test when started have severe muscle spasms in August 2012. Every time I ran I hurt the rest of the day but I'm not sure if adding heavy lifting made things worse. I loved the program, I was really starting to feel strong, and the cellulite on my back legs and butt was looking better.

The conventional deadlifts scare me to death, even though I liked them before. I'm afraid to even start back with just the bar so I would like to find out if there are other types of lifts that I could do until I feel my core is strong enough again? I have most everything at home but I can hire a personal trainer at the Rec center if needed to work on form.

Have any of you had to work around back problems also?


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If the weight of the bar is what scares you then you can start off with dumbbells. Just do the same movements, only with the bells instead of the bar.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Supine hip extensions are a great "hinge" movement that works your legs and core only using your body weight and an exercise ball. In Supercharged, Lou actually recommends you master these before attempting DLs.
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you both for replying!

    I've decided that I will hire a personal trainer to help me with the moves, or at least help me find other exercises to attempt before DL's. I've tried doing them with dumbbells instead and it just didn't feel right. I've done the supine hip extensions before but had no idea what they were called until now. I actually like them whereas conventional deadlifts I'm not so crazy about.

    I'll just have to play around with ideas and see what the trainer can teach me.