Favorite food(s) to eat while emotional eating/alternatives?

Hi, everyone! :) I'm new here, but I saw this group and it spoke to me.

So, think about that one food (or foods) you always loved to eat while emotional. Name it, then think of a healthy alternative and name it. :) Maybe it's a gradual change that'll help in the long run.

I'll start. My favorite thing to eat while emotion would probably have to depend on the specific emotion, but all in all, I looooved to eat ham and cheese sandwiches. Not even the good quality ham, either, Lol. I would often make another one after I finished the first.

Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread with lots of mayo ---> Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, no cheese or mayo, and tad bit of mustard.

Anyone else care to share? :smile:


  • nazykatz
    nazykatz Posts: 16 Member
    My binge foods during times of loneliness or boredom: Cookies & Crackers
    Substitute: protein bar (like Special K brand) for sweet, and Wasabi flavored almonds for salty
    Even with these... I really have to watch my portion sizes. That's where MFP comes in... logging every bite makes me more aware!
  • Luxleo
    Luxleo Posts: 21
    Yeah, portion sizes are a big issue. I've been getting better at it, though, and this website really helps a lot. And I love Special K bars. Simple changes can make all the difference over time. :)
  • EscamillaMom
    EscamillaMom Posts: 16 Member
    When I emotionally eat or eat out of boredom I go for sweet or fatty things. Having 3 boys and a snack loving husaband my house is stocked with Little Debbie products and I swear Swiss Cake Rolls SCREAM my name!! I have been substituting baked sweet potato fries. I get something sweet but also something full of nutrients and not empty calories.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    I usually want chocolate or chips. For the chocolate fix, I measure out a tablespoon of chocolate chips and mix it with some high fiber cereal. The crunchiness of the cereal helps (when we're stressed we often want hard crunchy foods, don't you find?) and the chocolate gets mixed in and I get a nice dose of it.

    If I"m in the mood for salt, I make some air popped popcorn and use nonstick spray and nutritional yeast (for a cheesy flavor) and some salt.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    Yesterday, after passing an important exam, I almost ate emotionally for the first time in 45 days, because I was happy. I wanted a bean and cheese burrito with hot sauce and sour cream. I ate a Kashi bar. It was not a good substitute for a burrito. <sigh>
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    I try not to eat due to emotions or boredom. I have been teaching myself that giving into cravings and binges at these times does nothing for me. Instead I have been finding that finding something doing something creative feeds the soul much better and I physically feel better. There are times when I need to celebrate a success instead of turning to food like I have in the past I have been either making something, doing something physical, or getting some small token to celebrate; I have found that I feel better longer than when I ate.

    Now don't get me wrong I do have comfort food but I want to be the one in charge of when I decide to eat them rather that them being in charge of me.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    The binge list for me is long but distinguished. I would have to say my #1 binge food is chocolate anything followed by mashed potatoes, Mexican food, macaroni and cheese, bread with anything or without anything.

    In fact, my list of binge foods is so long that it's easier to tell you what I wouldn't binge on!
