Took a break from MFP for a couple months........

Hello again! I took a much needed break from MFP for a couple months. I found I was going crazy obsessing on the logging food and workouts and then when I had a week with no weight loss I would get discouraged. I started getting really stressed out. Had to take a step back and just eat normally for awhile and actually eased up on my workouts. Guess what I actually didn't gain weight and maintained throughout the holidays.

Now I am ready to get back into it but this time around not obsess so much about the scale and logging every last thing :)


  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hey there! We all need a break sometimes!! Its good to stop logging every morsel and calorie and just to relax ! The fact that you didn't gain throughout the holidays is outstanding!! Glad your back!

    If we weren't pals already, I'd tell you to add me!! Oh well, I'm glad we connected already!

    Keep us up dated on your progress! Feel free to send us a success up date to!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    That's awesome that you were able to maintain through the holidays without logging! I totally agree that we all need breaks from the constant numbers, and it is fantastic that you were able to do that without going "off the rails"

    I know that personally, I can tend to become obsessive over the numbers, and therefore I have tried to step away from them a bit. I eat tons of fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, fish, yogurt, and nuts/seeds and find that I am able to maintain without tracking each and every calorie (I do continue to add things up in my head throughout the day just to make sure I am on target...) It is very freeing!

    It's nice to know that we can hop onto MFP and log for awhile, but then we can take a break and not go crazy and un-do all of our hard work. Well done you! (and welcome back!)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you have a sustainable diet that doesn't require you to log to have an idea, you can keep moving forward without logging.

    Find 250 calories in current diet you can drop daily. That might require some logging just to find what that is. You might find something simple out of 2 meals to leave out, or smaller dessert, ect.

    Find 250 more calories you can burn on average more than your routine was during weight maintain.
    Maybe that is 2 more days with harder workout, ect.

    Just whatever more it was.

    Don't even need to log either one then.

    That's where the concept of eat less and workout more applies - coming from routine life that maintained weight at healthy level of eating.
    Too many apply it when already undereating and hit a plateau, then they eat even less and workout even more - wrong direction then of course.