MINI CHALLENGE #1 - Wednesday Jan 29th



  • Territrek
    Territrek Posts: 34 Member
    100 squat 14 cups of water - finished!
  • Millyandjack
    I have completed the 100 squats this morningwhile cooking toast for the kids (was amazed at how quick it could be, just something every day like that will help)

    I am up to glass 9 and going strong. I thought this was going to be the hardest, and it was until I finished the 5th glass then I have been going through them easily.

    Planking - Yeah not really happening, I have never been able to plank (even at my fitest and I use to be very fit). Tried this morning and got to 30 sec, that is the most I have ever done
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    I am up for the challenge, and still have a little over 4 hours to get the extra 2 glasses of water done...On a side note I lost 4.5 lbs since I joined the group...I know that you usually lose faster in the very beginning, but this is a huge encouragement and I am feeling on my way!!!

    Thats awesome! Glad you shared to inspire others!! Cant wait for our weigh in on Monday
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I am up for the challenge, and still have a little over 4 hours to get the extra 2 glasses of water done...On a side note I lost 4.5 lbs since I joined the group...I know that you usually lose faster in the very beginning, but this is a huge encouragement and I am feeling on my way!!!

    Thats awesome! Glad you shared to inspire others!! Cant wait for our weigh in on Monday

    Are we supposed to do the same challenge everyday and then it switches weekly. Just wanna make sure I'm on track
  • apf2013
    apf2013 Posts: 53 Member
    I thought i was taking the easy route, but I was so wrong. i did my 10 cups of water.
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    I am up for the challenge, and still have a little over 4 hours to get the extra 2 glasses of water done...On a side note I lost 4.5 lbs since I joined the group...I know that you usually lose faster in the very beginning, but this is a huge encouragement and I am feeling on my way!!!

    Thats awesome! Glad you shared to inspire others!! Cant wait for our weigh in on Monday

    Are we supposed to do the same challenge everyday and then it switches weekly. Just wanna make sure I'm on track

    Nope, these are just mini challenges that pop up for a day to spice things up for you.
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    I thought i was taking the easy route, but I was so wrong. i did my 10 cups of water.

    LOL thats awesome
  • Revolution2014
    YESSS!!!!! finally accomplished the challenge.
    did the planks......took FOREVER i kept letting my leg touch the floor when it got too difficult
    Squats....somehow made it
    Water.......OMG that was the worst...I had to set a timer on my phone to keep reminding myself to drink it

    I hope I am not too late to claim the challenge as DONE, I am just not able to do anything extra on wednesdays.
  • dl7kex
    dl7kex Posts: 2 Member
    Did the water thing yesterday, because this was my first day at MFP. Today I will try to achieve one of the other 2 minis :)
  • Wildfire_Runner
    Wildfire_Runner Posts: 3 Member
    I accept the mini challenge #1 and will report back once it is done! Thanks!