Exercising while low carbing

Hello all,
I was just curious if you do or do not exercise? How much have you lost while exercing or no exercise? I've been on Atkins since 12/14/13 and lost about 7 pounds. I try to exercise a few times a week, but then I'll get lazy and don't exercise that often.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not losing fast enough, compared to the last time I was on this diet (over 10 years ago).


  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Starting in 2002, I went low carb and lost over 150lbs.
    I didnt exercise at first, but once I was able to move more easily, I started walking, lifting weights etc.
    Exercise definitely helps firm you up and tone, not to mention its good for you.

    You can be skinny and still be flabby! :laugh:

    Find something you enjoy and that will help you stick to it.

    I should add that after 8yrs of maintaining my weight, I got lazy, stopped exercising and watching what I ate.
    I've since put back on 35-40lbs, and I WILL lose that weight again.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I exercise, though there have been times where I haven't exercised for several weeks at a time. I've lost weight during both times, but I feel better when I'm exercising regularly.

    The important thing is to find something that you can stick with. Personally, I do better in a group/class type of environment. The specifics of that has ranged from having a lifting buddy to practicing a martial art to doing classes at my local Title Boxing Club (which is what I'm currently doing). This is partly because by joining, I've made a commitment to someone else, which basically compels me to hold up "my end of the bargain" (something that doesn't work with commitments to myself), and partly because I paid good money for a given membership, you're damn right I'm gonna use it! :happy: So, work with your natural tendencies, if you can, to help you get into a routine that you can stick to.

    As for your losing speed, remember that you're 10 years older than you were the last time you did this. Your body has changed in countless ways (and, both technically and proverbially, you're a different person for your 10-years-younger self). It's not going to happen the same way twice.

    Also, keep in mind that low carb really shouldn't be a diet that you stick to until you reach your goal weight and then go back to your old habits (diet-as-a-verb). Your old habits are what get you to the overweight state that you're at, so why keep inflicting that on your body? Instead, it should be a lifestyle change that you stick to not only to lose weight, but to maintain that new you (diet-as-a-noun).
  • angelapolite72
    angelapolite72 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I am looking to join a gym near work, but I'm hesitant. Mainly because I know in the beginning I'll go all the time, then once I get bored, I'll lose interest and stop. There's a girl in my office that works out during lunch, which I feel is an awesome idea!
    I've tried waking up early, that lasted a week. I also try to workout when I get home. But depending on the day I'm having, I just want to relax with a glass of wine. So maybe a lunchtime workout might be best!
  • Nicole9187
    Nicole9187 Posts: 122 Member
    I've been low carbing since September 16, 2013. I incorporated exercise into my day 8 weeks ago. Since then I have lost 13 pounds. I feel like it is the best thing I could have done. My body is shrinking for sure...now. I purchased a heart rate monitor, and I do 45 minutes of steady state cardio. It is not fun. But I do it because I am committed to reaching my goal. I go immediately after work. Sure there are days I do not want to go, but I know that if I don't go today because I just don't feel like it, I most likely will not want to go tomorrow either. So, the way I look at it is like this: the 45 minutes is going to pass regardless of whether or not I'm doing my cardio, so why not be smart with my time. My evening activities will still be there after I get done. About 3 weeks ago I really started to enjoy my time at the gym, I think of it as an hour of me time. It's awesome.

    Good luck!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I've been doing low carb since Aug '13 and have been exercising since way before that. I don't think you MUST exercise to lose- my wife has a bad knee and is down over 30lbs in 3 months following low carb- but I think exercise is good for overall body health. I'm 51, cardio health is important to me. I'm not a geek about it, I think of it more as a necessary evil and put my time in 3x a week and hit the weights 2 days a week. I enjoy weights though, and I have a much longer background with those, so it comes more naturally to me to head down to the basement and move some iron.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Hello all,
    I was just curious if you do or do not exercise? How much have you lost while exercing or no exercise? I've been on Atkins since 12/14/13 and lost about 7 pounds. I try to exercise a few times a week, but then I'll get lazy and don't exercise that often.
    Sometimes I feel like I'm not losing fast enough, compared to the last time I was on this diet (over 10 years ago).
    Last year I became very discouraged cause I was exersizing about an hour a day in the hills around my hood. I kept on gaining weight I was not happy. Last November I started doing low carbs and I refused to exersize cause I didnt want to get discouraged over muscle gain. But as I have lost 10 pounds since november ive been on a pleateau. Im starting to do a little exersize now here and there and its actually pleasureable instead of a chore.
    I didnt start my fitness pal until december thats why it says only 4
  • angelapolite72
    angelapolite72 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all,
    I was just curious if you do or do not exercise? How much have you lost while exercing or no exercise? I've been on Atkins since 12/14/13 and lost about 7 pounds. I try to exercise a few times a week, but then I'll get lazy and don't exercise that often.
    Sometimes I feel like I'm not losing fast enough, compared to the last time I was on this diet (over 10 years ago).
    Last year I became very discouraged cause I was exersizing about an hour a day in the hills around my hood. I kept on gaining weight I was not happy. Last November I started doing low carbs and I refused to exersize cause I didnt want to get discouraged over muscle gain. But as I have lost 10 pounds since november ive been on a pleateau. Im starting to do a little exersize now here and there and its actually pleasureable instead of a chore.
    I didnt start my fitness pal until december thats why it says only 4

    I'm starting to feel that way too. I've been exercising (P90X) 6 days a week and I'm gaining weight, but losing fat rapidly! I want to scale to go down too! I lost 7 pounds during the first two weeks of induction (12/14/13), but now I'm gaining and losing the same couple of pounds. I feel I should be losing faster than I am.