Anyone from the UK?

Hi I'm new to VI (started on Monday) and am so excited to find this amazing network of inspiring women. So, my questions are these:
Anyone out there from the UK?
Anyone got 30lbs or more to lose?
Anyone on the wrong side of 55?

So, I guess those questions tell you a bit more about me .. 40lbs to lose, 56 in February and from the UK. :frown:


  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member

    Just bought the Venus programme (will start on Monday) have 30 lbs to lose, I'm from the UK but I am 44. Three out of four ain't bad! Have you started the programme yet? How's it going ?
  • empresspht
    I just started VI this week. I am from Colorado, USA, 51, 100 pounds to lose. This is Day 3 for me, I did the second set of exercises today and do not feel as sore as I did on Day 1 when I did the first set. The first day of sticking to 1000 cal was hardest for me, it is getting easier already. What is not getting easier is planks. Ugh, I cannot hold them. But you gotta have room for growth right? Very happy with the VI program so far. It's kinda of amusing when I say complete day in myfitnesspal and it tells me I am not eating enough calories, underlined in red. To me that's kind of like 'good job'. LOL
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Empress

    You sound like you're hard at work and doing a good job. I started today although despite my best intentions did not make time for the exercises - grrr - will make time tomorrow! How dis your first week go? ;)
  • empresspht
    I lost 5 pounds my first week. Yay! Although I am not getting sore anymore, exercises are not getting easier, which I think is a good thing, but wow, they are tough for me. The new exercises for week 2 are killer! I love it.
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow five ponds that's great news! Well done! Glad to hear you're not as sore from the exercises too. I have done them twice now and sitting down and stairs are dreaded!! Good luck for week two - onwards and downwards ;)