Plyometric Cardio Circuit was extra tough today

dabucks Posts: 82 Member
I'm full go during the warm-ups no problems, no breaks. Then came the interval training and for whatever reason I became nauseous and light headed towards the 3rd tier of the training. I've done better in this workout before... (i think I've had too few calories the last couple days, maybe not enough water)

I'll just chalk it up to some days are better than others and I'll up my caloric and water intake to what is recommended in the nutrition guide.


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Ive had days like that. Just have to take the good with the bad and move forward. You'll nail it next time!
  • nking404
    nking404 Posts: 73 Member
    I was like that for plyo last week and it sucked but u pushed through and that's all that counts!!!!!!!GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!