Frustrated over Pre-Op 10 lb. weigh loss in 7 days

Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
I began using New Directions products on 1/23/14 and when weighed in on 1/28/14 had lost 4.36 pounds. I thought this was good, SWLM did not. ( I had been on products for 4 days). I also began exercising on my elliptical stepper cross trainer bike with moveable arms for an all over workout. I average 40 minutes per day since the 28th. I fell hard a week ago on ice and injured my hip and leg otherwise I could have exercised more often and longer. Finally starting to feel like it's healing.

On 1/28 they immediately decreased me down to two products/day and was told to make an unscheduled appointment for tomorrow (1/31) for another weigh-in, when It is expected that I will have lost the remainder of the weight. My caloric intake has been under 400 since the 28th.

As of tomorrow (1/31) I will have been on the products for 7 days. Most pre-op patients have 10-14 days minimum to lose this weight. I am extremely frustrated that as of today I still have 5 days prior to my surgery date of 2/\5/14 to lose any remaining weight.

I told them delaying the surgery was not an option as my support have already scheduled work/time off around that date.

Guess, I will see what they say tomorrow.
