6 days on keto and scale won't budge!

fitlisa16 Posts: 13 Member
I've been burning dark purple everyday, thought I had lost one pound but the scale wasn't accurate. Next week is shark week, could this be a factor?


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Absolutely. Shark week messes with water retention, so that would definitely impact.

    That said - dark purple is not necessarily a good thing. Ketostix measure the density of ketones in urine. A dark color could be because you have more ketones, or because you have less urine. Darker colors usually mean that you need to drink more water. You shouldn't use Ketostix to tell you how "deep" into ketosis you are - just yes or no that you are or are not in ketosis. Any indicator - even trace - is ok.

    I also find that when I drink less water, that I retain more water. For me, I need to drink 12-16 8 oz glasses a day.

    TL;DR - drink more water.
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    I'm sure that is a factor. I've been doing keto for three weeks. The first week and a half, nothing happened. I started drinking water, like I should have been all along :-), and the weight is coming off. I've lost 6 pounds total so far. Keep going, and drink your water!
  • fitlisa16
    fitlisa16 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Ladies, I do drink quite a bit of water so hopfully things will change
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Beyond weight, are you seeing any physical changes? Weight is one way to measure that you may be losing fat, but not the best way. A better way is to get measurements and track them along with body weight.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Just be patient with it, especially if your hormones are currently a little busy. Track everything you eat to the highest accuracy you can get, measure yourself, and weigh yourself. If there are still no changes after your body gets back to normal, then ask for some help in reviewing your diary and exercise logs. Data makes solving problems a lot easier.
  • fitlisa16
    fitlisa16 Posts: 13 Member
    Beyond weight, are you seeing any physical changes? Weight is one way to measure that you may be losing fat, but not the best way. A better way is to get measurements and track them along with body weight.

  • fitlisa16
    fitlisa16 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started to track measurements, it looks like I've lost an inch around the waist, but only there. :(
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    It's frustrating when the scale doesn't move. I've had good losses the first six weeks but this last two weeks nothing :sad: -well 400g (lol) but i am measuring as well and have lost another 7 inches in the last two weeks, Total of 19inches in around 8 weeks.

    I shouldn't complain -but i want to ! Maybe the scale will move next week as i'm now going to weigh weekly not fortnightly :smile:
    as they say " weight loss isn't linear...."
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    It's a long race. You are following the right process. Results will come. Your body needs to adapt to ketone burning. I would suggest you don't weigh yourself for a month and focus on how you feel and perform.
  • Deuxtrouble43
    Deuxtrouble43 Posts: 41 Member
    Seriously, if you saw the ups and downs on my weighloss graph you would probably quit. I have drops and then for some reason it goes up 2, 3 and sometimes as high as 5 lbs. But the overall trend is down and OMG...19 inches. That says more than anything. I have seen people's pics that haven't lost a thing but their body composition is so incredibly different.

    It'll happen. :)
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks Deuxtrouble43 :flowerforyou: It's a long journey but i'll be worth it in the end:smile: