New month - try something new!

astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
I'm about to start weeks 5-6 of JMBR Body Revolution on Monday. I was scheduled to do the last cardio session of month 1 today but instead I decided to ring in February by trying something new, inspired in part by lynnetta's comfort zone comment (thanks!).

Let me preface this by saying I am large framed, about 40 lbs overweight, and severely flexibility impaired. Needless to say yoga has always really intimidated me. I'm much more comfortable doing strength training than trying to twist myself into a pretzel. But I want to be more flexible so I ordered JM's Yoga Meltdown just before I had shoulder surgery last July. Pain and surgery intervened so I never got around to trying it.

But today .... I DID IT! Not very well, but I did it! And I actually burned a few more calories than I would have doing the cardio I was supposed to do.

What new can we all try this month? Maybe a new exercise like yoga or weight training, a new food or cooking technique, a new habit like parking in the back of the lot, etc. Change is good and the feeling accomplishment is awesome and inspiring!


  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Way to go! It's amazing how many calories you burn doing yoga... it doesn't seem like it would burn that many.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Just finished Day one of 30DS. Was good.