My Pledge

For me, the next 90 days are about returning to an active, healthy lifestyle and losing the weight I gained while I abandoned that lifestyle. I am feeling very unsure of my capacity for change right now, which is why I chose "B the Change" for our group name, as it was Roger's inspiring name for a previous challenge group we were successfully on together.

For the next 90 Days, I pledge to:

1.Stay within my calorie allowance on myfitnesspal
2.Burn at least 3500 calories/week
3.Participate in at least three organized fitness events (e.g. races) during the time frame
4.Try at least two new fitness/sports activities (e.g. outrigging, paddling, something new to keep things interesting)
5. Rebuild the belief in myself that I can reach and maintain my goals.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds within the next 90 days; my ultimate goal is to lose 35 pounds in order to reach and maintain a final weight of 140 pounds. I will weigh in every Wednesday morning (it's my lucky weigh-in day). And I will report back to the group every Sunday night.
