Week 5. What's going on in your week 5?

What’s going on at week five? Here are a few things you might be experiencing. If you’ve been losing weight like gangbusters and you feel so much more energetic than you did at the start of this challenge, don’t be surprised if you reach a plateau at some point. Not a permanent one but a point and a period of time where your progress will not go as rapidly as in those initial weeks where the pounds were just sliding off like melted butter. Keep at it and think of this as your body preparing itself for your next stage of progress. And even if it’s slower than those first few weeks, it is still progress. This is a well-documented phenomenon, it happens to us all. “Just as the farmer’s field must lie fallow every winter, so does the human body, mind and spirit need a rest, with time to reflect, recover and rejuvenate.”
But what if you've not lost anywhere near what you'd hoped to lose by this point? Refer to our week 4 post and understand that this is such an individual process that unless you've done this before and have an idea of how your body responds to dieting and exercise, this may be your pattern. If you keep your goal in mind, if you don't lose sight of where you want to be at the end of this challenge - and beyond - you will get there. I am confident that you will! And as a cautionary note, while this is a 'weight loss' challenge, I believe that there is an optimum weight range for each of us that depends on many, many factors i.e. bone density, body type, genetics, things that we don't have too much control over. When we find ourselves in this range we feel more energized, happy with the way we look and feel, all systems go! Our body responds much better and more efficiently in this weight range rather than at one that's too low or too high. So while weight loss may well be the goal of this challenge, do it wisely and pay attention to signals from your body. I'd much rather see each of you feeling 'healthy, happy and terrific' as a good friend of mine would respond whenever asked how he was doing. That's what I want for each of you.