
I hope none of us have to use this thread but anytime you feel the urge to grab that chocolate bar, soda, fries, etc..just post in here! It makes it less appealing when you have to tell ppl about your urge to binge. Of course you can have any of these as treats if it fits into your calorie goals/macros but I know that sometimes I want to go overboard with the junk. I did this with a friend of mine and it helped me tremendously. Every time I wanted that cookie that was staring me down I would text him and he would remind me how those few seconds of pleasure were not worth the hours in the gym that I'd have to put in to burn in off. Good luck guys and remember...we're all here for you and to help support you while you accomplish your goals!! :)


  • whisperer02
    I wish it was the sweets for me. I go over board with meat, pasta, potatoes, etc. I eat healthy most days but some days it gets rough. I need someone to remind me of the benefits of taking my lunch to work and to eat healthy on weekends.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653
    That's a tough one...I know how you feel though.Weekends are the most difficult for me as well! I've found that since I log everything (and that might mean going over my caloric goals) the perfectionist in me kicks in and rarely wants that to occur so that's been helpful for me. As for lunch..I've found that it helps if I prepare it the night before and leave it in the fridge then I can just grab and go in the morning. It helps tremendously!! Good luck!!! :flowerforyou: