Does anything actually work to reduce cellulite?

VelcroButt Posts: 34 Member
So I'm at what is considered a healthy weight for my height (though I'd still love to lose another 10 lb before bikini season) but I still have a lot of cellulite. I do HIIT and I lift and I feel like I've got a decent shape and decent amount of muscle but there is still cellulite on top of the muscle. Is there anything that actually helps this area? What has worked for you? It's all on my butt and back of my thighs btw.


    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,402 Member
    Do you run? Running helped slim my hips and thighs more than anything, and the cellulite went away as the fat cells diminished. Also, I cut out almost all refined carbs and try to go low sodium. That keeps my legs from getting that bloaty fat cell look. Good luck!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Great advice. How much sodium is low sodium?
  • stephaniefiteni
    stephaniefiteni Posts: 48 Member
    Are you lifting enough? Is it heavy or low weights? How often do you do weights? Are you hitting all angles around your desired area that you would like to sculpt? All questions need consideration.
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,402 Member
    Great advice. How much sodium is low sodium?

    I try to go lower than 1900 mg. per day. At the very least, I try to go under MFP sodium goal of 2500. I know you guys probably aren't as old as I am, but what we ingest is as important as how many calories we take in / burn when we hit a certain age. It isn't fun, but it is what it is.
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    Barbell squats, Dead lifts and heavy weights melt away cellulite. I used to run and I ended up getting small and still had cellulite and when I started lifting heavy it has reduced significantly.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    Lifting helps! Also, I'm big in to rock climbing, about a month of going to the climbing gym 3 nights a week got rid of most of mine!!
  • gitanagirl
    gitanagirl Posts: 207 Member
    BodyBrushing!!! :) it actually works :) 5 minutes every day.... and most likely you'll see some results, I know I do.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    I second the body brushing! Using a dry brush in the mornings feels great, wakes you up, and helps with cellulite. Not sure if it reduces the actual cellulite or just the appearance, but it's worked for me!
  • chelseafisher5648
    chelseafisher5648 Posts: 60 Member
    what is body brushing
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    Body brushing or dry brushing is when you use a soft-bristle brush (they usually sell them in the beauty section near loofas and sponges and eye masks) and brush your skin while it's dry. Using long, sweeping motions, brush your skin from extremities toward your heart. Sometimes you can even see the dead skin being brushed into little clouds when your skin is dry. It's supposed to increase circulation and exfoliate. Feels great!
  • grace4u2receive
    grace4u2receive Posts: 333 Member
    Building muscle is so important, but even with a lot of muscles to help break up the fat. There are still toxins that are attached to our fat cells. These toxins come from our foods that are processed. You would be surprised at the amount of food that we eat that our bodies can't handle and it has to go somewhere (our fat cells). I really recommend doing a detox of some kind. The Omni Diet book, has a lot of good information on types of foods to avoid. I followed the BluePrint 3 Day Cleanse to detox that I try to do often. I have also changed what I have eaten of course 90 percent of what our family eats is not processed. Most of the food I have to make is homemade. Mayo, salad dressing, nut milks, soups and much more.

    There are many products out there, but if we don't take care of our bodies with food. No product will really work! If the food label isn't simple for you to understand, don't eat it! It should have less than five ingredients.

    You will be amazed at the changes! It doesn't melt away overnight, but it is coming off quicker than the weight gain I put on especially after changing eating habits!

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