Cutting questions

So I started experimenting with my first cut about three weeks ago. I was originally really skeptical since the only way I've ever lost weight really wasn't healthy. (starvation diet and running.) I've been kinda amazed to see pounds coming off. Definitely not complaining here - but I've worked for the last year to build muscle and I want to make sure I'm not losing that. I currently seem to be tracking at losing a little over a pound a week, is that good? Is it legitimately possible to be losing that much fat a week? I'm not currently eating exercise calories (because I don't trust the estimation of how much I burn and I don't want to overeat) should I be eating them? I'm going to go make sure my diary is public, if anyone who has done this has tips (past not eating those chocolate cupcakes, i know, i know...) I'd love to hear them.


  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    When you cut, you lose fat and muscle. To minimize muscle loss you want to make sure your protein intake is sufficient.

    Generally when building muscle the general rule is 1gram per pound...studies have shown it's can be less than that but with our genetic diversity, how efficient our digestive track is etc. 1gram is in the ball park...although may not be necessary. However, when cutting you may actually want/need to increase the protein amount to ensure minimal muscle loss.

    There are those that say you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. However, the effort and resources to do that normally far exceed what most of us have available or are willing to expend.

    1 pound a week may not be bad depending on how much fat you have on you.

    Hopefully others with better knowledge on the subject will chime in.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Thanks! my macros are 40/30/30 right now and i've been averaging around 100g of protein a day - which is well over my LBM. My diary is open. If I'm really losing over a pound of fat a week thats awesome, but I don't want to torch all the muscle I've been working to put on up til now. It's hard to estimate my body fat %... I was going to go for the estimation thread after I lost some more weight and hopefully have a better bf%. ;) Here is a recent pic of my back though:

    94FDBA44-C1FC-402B-9C92-8FA08C1DF66D_zpsnlpzomgf.jpg (flexing obviously)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What is your current weight and how is your gym performance?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    In addition to SideSteel's question - what were your macros before you started cutting (on average) and what have they been since?
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    BUMP - interested in replies
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Weight before I started cutting (I'm 3wks in) averaged around 132. Right now I'm at 128.4 and so far I'm still banging out prs semi regularly. I've been working out more, and adding more cardio in to try and speed things along. Well, adding cardio in period. I don't naturally love it. :p I mix up what I do there... Rowing, elliptical, sprints... Occasionally I do an insanity workout at home instead if I can't make it to lift. I lift at least 3x a week and focus on the big lifts. Right now my dl pr is 155x5 back squat 165x3 (but needs depth work) bench is 95x2 and ohp is 75x3. I still feel like I'm getting stronger. I had quit logging before I started this cut so it's anyone's guess as to what I was eating... Definitely a lot more carbs and sugar (I have an awful sweet tooth.). Now I'm doing 40/30/30 generally, around 1500 cals a day. I haven't been eating back all my exercise calories because I have no idea how accurate they are.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Weight before I started cutting (I'm 3wks in) averaged around 132. Right now I'm at 128.4 and so far I'm still banging out prs semi regularly. I've been working out more, and adding more cardio in to try and speed things along. Well, adding cardio in period. I don't naturally love it. :p I mix up what I do there... Rowing, elliptical, sprints... Occasionally I do an insanity workout at home instead if I can't make it to lift. I lift at least 3x a week and focus on the big lifts. Right now my dl pr is 155x5 back squat 165x3 (but needs depth work) bench is 95x2 and ohp is 75x3. I still feel like I'm getting stronger. I had quit logging before I started this cut so it's anyone's guess as to what I was eating... Definitely a lot more carbs and sugar (I have an awful sweet tooth.). Now I'm doing 40/30/30 generally, around 1500 cals a day. I haven't been eating back all my exercise calories because I have no idea how accurate they are.

    Given your stats, rate of weight loss, and performance, I think you're fine where you're at for now.