Chia seeds?

Potential TMI, you've been warned! :)

So, like many WLS folks, I have a terrible time with constipation. I drink well over the amount of water recommended per day, I've tried Miralax, Dulcolax, Senna, and even resorted to suppositories and Fleets enemas. Nothing seems to help! A good friend of mine who also has constipation issues was told by her doc to eat Chia seeds once a day. She swears it helps with her constipation. I'd like to try them, but I'm worried that they will swell up in my tiny stomach and cause issues with gas/bloating/pain.

Does anybody here take Chia seeds, and if so, how much per day?


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I've never done chia seeds, so I can't help there. But there are a couple of other things that can help.

    Some iron supplements can be very constipating, if you are taking extra iron. The most common, ferrous sulfate and fumarate, among others, are very tough. Switching to carbonyl iron helped me a lot. I use Sundown Perfect Iron, and it made a big difference. The other thing that can help is adding some fat to your diet, especially if you have gone the lowfat route. More fat will also help loosen you up.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I use chia seeds I my protein shakes. I make sure the swell up before eating the by letting the shake Steian & Tarquin for several hours before drinking. I also use a little extra magnesium or a vitamin high in magnesium. Kale shakes also loosen things up:smooched:
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    I also use chia seeds. But stir them into yogurt or put in a shake, so that they're all swollen up before I take it in. Its also a nice extra texture in the food. Can also put into oatmeal. Good luck!