Completely disgusted...

FractalFae Posts: 63 Member
I'm so disgusted right now and I didn't know where else to write. I fell off track and I'm up 7+ pounds... all I've been doing is eating and I feel like garbage. I was doing so well and then life happened and I said screw it and oh boy did I screw it all up. I'm just so utterly disgusted. I feel like I've been losing the same 5-10 pounds over and over and over again for the last 4 years and I'll never make any real progress.

How do I make it stick, how do I make it a habit? How do I convince myself I'm worth it, that I deserve to lose the weight once and for all. How does any one do it? I watch all these success stories around me and I just wonder how the hell do they do that? It's a constant battle for me... wanting to be fit and healthy and saying F*%! it - I'm going to eat whatever I want to eat and learn to love my body for exactly as it is. Well that never happens either.

I'm at such a loss.


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am in the same situation.

    The best thing to do is make a list of the reasons you want to get fit, and refer to that whenever you feel a binge coming on or feel as if you don't care anymore. At least, that's been working for me!
  • Jennlc033
    Jennlc033 Posts: 28 Member
    I am in the same boat, just fell off the eating healthy wagon and now trying to get back on. :(
  • I know I'm in the same situation. That's actually a good idea to make a list and refer to it.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    The list idea is great. You could also make a separate list of things to do instead of binging. IE: taking a walk, hitting the gym, continue your scrapbook, etc. It obviously helps to do something outside the kitchen that will be hands-on .

    Another idea that I posted in the Me vs Binge thread, admittedly very silly, but surprisingly empowering:
    Okay, this may sound silly. But I was staring down a bowl of something I could very well binge on (no specific foods, I know), and I just thought: no, I can fight this. And this song started playing through my head, then I started humming it, and before I knew it, I was straight up belting it out! :laugh: In a really unexpected way, this helped me fight the urge.

    ETA: the song was Hear Me Roar - Katy Perry.
  • I don't think that's silly I'm actually going to try that. I use music when I workout so distracting myself with something like that probably will help me out.