Week 4 Chat (10-16 February)



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi there Challengers!!

    I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day :) I certainly did. Haven't celebrated it for many years and probably never had one like yesterday. For a start, I've got the most wonderful man in my life, he's just unbelievably fabulous in so many ways. He sent me cute little text messages all day. Then night picked me up to go for dinner and gave me a bunch of the most gorgeous red roses and a lovely card. I was all dolled up and all night he told me how beautiful I looked and loved me bla bla bla. We went out for Thai and then met a couple of friends for a drink but were still home by about midnight. Had an amazing night, DIDN"T eat too much or drink too much and I ended the day at or about maintenance calories - which was unexpected but I'm pretty happy about it. I was prepared to go over.

    Have been out for brunch this morning and am going into the city this afternoon with friends and kids for an early movie and dinner, so I'm expecting today to be a maintenance day as well. Not going to get any exercise in today but I'll be at the gym tomorrow for an early workout.

    I'm really happy right now. Most things in life seem to be going well, and even the things that aren't are easy to deal with.

    Part of my problem going off the rails the last couple of weeks is that Bumper is very complimentary about my body and the way that I look. So I guess I get a bit complacent about it all. Or I was. But this week, getting back into my routine feels just SO much better and I feel good knowing that I'm heading in the right direction to where I feel most comfortable with MYSELF. I don't think there will be any complaints from him either.

    I'm right back on track with my nutrition and exercise plan. Even though this weekend is going to be a maintenance weekend, I'm happy with that because I've had a deficit during the week and I'm probably at the right weight to have a smaller deficit rather than a bigger one in order to lose fat, not muscle. I think I'm looking pretty good, still up a bit from my pre-Christmas condition, but not by much.

    Going forward, I think this is the best way for me to handle my progress - eat at a deficit during the week, keep up my gym routine and then have the weekends "off". Still keep an eye on my food intake and stay away from wheat and recreational sugar (to stop myself getting into that binge mode) but not overly worry about calorie intake. It also helps because I don't feel like I'm restricting myself, or missing out on anything. If I want to have chocolate, I will, but I'll wait until the weekend to do it. I'll see how it goes...

    Merica, I love legs and shoulder day - it's by far my favourite workout. I have noticed that the power and strength in my legs is really good. One of the surprising things I've discovered is when I have to run to catch a set of traffic lights or something, I can just push off and dash with very little effort. It's a great feeling. I also love walking up the very long set of escalators at the train station and knowing that my legs don't get fatigued like they did a year ago. It's why I love lifting weights and encourage everyone to take it up - the benefits in everyday life can't be denied. Plus it's just nice to feel strong.

    I like being able to run too - but it's not my first love. I think it's great to do something for fitness and I am constantly amazed by all the runners and what you are able to achieve, I wouldn't and couldn't do a triathalon if you paid me! Especially the swimming part, I think I'd drown in the surf :) hehe..

    Well, I hope everyone has a terrific Saturday. Let us know what you are all up to and what your plans are for next week.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Checking in on a Saturday night (yes, I know I don't have a life).

    Sounds like you had a lovely night Skim - and Thai food too - lucky you

    Everybody seems to be doing so well - as in even if they slip off the wagon it's straight back on again. Good for all of you.

    I'm plodding along much as usual and trying to resist the urge to shake things up a bit - due to scale issues. I was told yesterday that my son has been jumping on my scale and I'm sure that isn't very good for it. Anyway it registers very strangely as in I will weigh more after I go to the toilet than before - which I didn't think was physically possible unless the earth's gravity field encountered a shift - so I'm trying not to be phased by this.

    In the meantime I've been doing more playing with dumbells and lifting a "weight" (it's a long metal crowbar and quite heavy) - I certainly did feel some muscle tenderness the next day after doing upright rows so obviously it's heavy enough to do what I want it to do - which is work my upper arms and hopefully reduce the bingo wings/bat wings/tuck shop arms - yes I know you can't spot reduce and you're not supposed to be able to build muscle in a deficit etc but I'm a noob as far as weights go and it can't hurt can it. And next summer I want to be able to wear a sleeveless top/dress without feeling, well, flappy.

    Have a good rest of the weekend.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Sounds great Robin, about the weights... Actually newbies can build muscle, it's the joy of being a newbie!! Just make sure you eat your allowance of protein and by that I mean 2g per kilo body weight and you will at least RETAIN the muscle that you already have and ensure that the weight you lose will be fat.

    Start with squats, they are so good for your legs and butt. As for your arms... Push ups. They are good for shoulders, arms, chest and get your heart rate up as well. At the beginning of last year I couldn't even do ONE.. A month later I was doing 10 and then 3 sets of 10. Start small but just do it.

    Forget the scale, take your measurements. You are here, you are trying and you will succeed.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all,

    Well we've come to the end of another week. All in all mine hasn't been too bad food wise. The end of the week has been better than the beginning.

    Did 12.5k run thus morning so was happy with that as that's been my furthest. Week 7 next week of my training which ends with 14.5k run. Am looking forward to it as we're going away to one of my favourite beach towns so it will be nice doing it there.

    Mich, congratulations on your run this morning. I must say I hate running in the heat so always love to go early as well. Problem the sun is rising later and I'm not one for running in the dark. Plus have to be home during the week by 7am. Did a couple of runs on the treadmill during the week but it's just not the same.

    Skim, I'm so happy for you as things sound like they are going so well and you sound so happy. It's so easy to get complacent when you start getting compliments so keep up the great work.

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