My 4 week total of Super Shred

I finished Super Shred with a total loss of 13 pounds, not the 15 I was hoping. What is disappointing to me is that I could have done my regular MFP plan and lost the same amount of weight without all of the restrictions. I am moving on to regular shred today and will stay on it until we leave for our cruise the end of March, hoping to lose another 15 or 20 pounds.

Hubby lost 34 pounds for his 4 weeks of deprivation! He is so excited to start shred and have food to eat!

I know a lot of people go from SS to Shred and start with W2 but we are starting with W1 simply because I want to spend a week where I don't have a headache no energy. I also love to cook and yesterday while I was prepping for S1W1 I actually got to cook a little!
OK enough negativity, I'm headed to the gym today to start C25K (again) while dreaming about the day that all of this snow we have in the northeast is melted and I can run outside!


  • jobell2355
    jobell2355 Posts: 49 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and say good job. I give you a lot of credit because honestly I couldn't do this diet past week 2. I just didn't like it. I like the concept of it so I kept what I liked and continued on with what I was doing and for me that works. I am down 3 more pounds but building lots of muscle and definitely changing shape.

    I think it boils down to different things work for different people. I am glad that we connected to this group and I am going to stay in touch but I just won't be able to comment on any Shred topics.

    Keep up the good work!