Week 5 weigh in: 2/10

CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
I'm down 2.4 pounds today for a total of 9.2 so far. :happy: I hope everyone else (all 5 of you that are still active in this group) had a great week too!


  • rlallain
    rlallain Posts: 376 Member
    There are 105 people in this group! Come on people - get chatting!! :o)

    I'm down 0.4 lbs. this week. Not spectacular but I'll take it. I started to cut out dairy this week because I have several co-workers say that it changed their waisteline. They were right! While the scales didn't move much, my middle is much less "squishy" than it was last week. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I love it!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    1/6: 167.6
    1/13: 166.1
    1/20: 165.4
    1/27: 165.8
    2/3: 162.8
    2/10: 163.5 (-4.1 total)

    I think the gain this week was from too much sodium over the weekend, but it is coming down so next week may be better. Hopefully the weather improves and I can go outside for additional exercise, but doesn't look like this is in my future. Next weekend is my birthday and I can't guarantee I will be as good as I have been, but I'll try!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    There are 105 people in this group! Come on people - get chatting!! :o)

    I know, sad right? But at the same time, I look at it as, we are probably the ones that are most likely to reach our goals out of those 105. After this 8 weeks, I'm thinking of starting a "forever fit club" or something and including those of you that have been dilegent about checking in here. The idea being that weekly check-ins can continue forever, giving us all a reason to step on the scale or get out the tape measure routinely even after we reach our goals. I think that would be helpful for me, so hopefully others will feel that way too.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    still 149.8 - no loss from last week but that usually means it'll drop a pound later this week. Overall down 5 pounds still - half way to 10 ;)
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    1/6 181.4lbs
    1/13 179.9lbs (-1.5)
    1/20 179lbs (-0.9)
    1/27 179lbs (0)
    2/3 178.8lbs (-0.2)
    2/10 182.1lbs (+3.3)

    Total weight loss +0.7lbs
  • lake1316
    reply down 1 lb 4.5 in total
  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm here guys! I forgot yesterday (lots of snow, late start today...sooo many excuses for forgetting). Anywho -

    Weighing in - My weight this morning was 155.0...so I "gained" .6. :-( Explanation follows:

    I got so depressed about seeing 153.3 one day, then 154.3, then 156, then 154....I am not logging my food this week - trying to keep up with exercise, and just making good choices, but MFP nestled into my BRAIN and...I'm just not at a good place mentally.

    I AM finding with the absence of logging, I'm not keeping very good track of my sodium, except for how I FEEL...and I think my plan of no logging for a week and trying to stay away is actually going to be a good thing...because I HATE this blubby feeling in my belly. Blech! I want to go back to my "flat" belly, where I could see and feel my ribs.

    In conclusion, WTG guys! And I am back on the MFP wagon as of Monday (my birthday... :-P)
  • rlallain
    rlallain Posts: 376 Member

    I AM finding with the absence of logging, I'm not keeping very good track of my sodium, except for how I FEEL...and I think my plan of no logging for a week and trying to stay away is actually going to be a good thing...because I HATE this blubby feeling in my belly. Blech! I want to go back to my "flat" belly, where I could see and feel my ribs.

    I haven't been logging my food for several weeks now and I've actually started to lose weight. Crazy! But I found that while logging certainly kept me accountable and below my calorie goal, I seemed to always feel hungry when I was "successful" in keeping below my calorie goal. And I made choices purely based on calorie count and not what's truly good for me. Since I've yo-yo'd so many times between my current weight & my goal weight, I felt like I needed to do something differently this time. I'm part of this group for the support, but it's really the only thing I use on myfitnesspal. I've just been trying to make good food decisions and choose REAL food, not processed foods. Sure, they make 100 calorie granola bars, but that 120 calorie apple is so much better for you!! I'm finally learning to feed my body because it needs fuel, not feed my mind because I'm bored, stressed, sad, etc. Really trying to make some big life changes here :o)