Newbie here

purplybob Posts: 51 Member
Hey everybody! Bob from NC. Back on MFP after a long absence and going back to OA soon. Unfortunately not many meetings near me. I am however an active member of AA and go to 4-5 AA meetings a week. Now wanting to return to the Steps to deal with my compulsion with food. Today is my 5th day of abstinence. Please send me a friend request as I need others! One thing I have learned in recovery, I can't do it alone! Have a blessed day!


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Hi Bob and welcome! This forum is a little quiet, but I show up every day to check in. I am also a friend of Bill W. and I have worked the steps several times. When it comes to the food obsession, it is rather a challenge. I've been in and out of the doors of OA for over 5 years and I'm newly abstinent (again) today. I also tune into phone meetings when I can't make a face to face one, at least one per day. The meetings will help keep us sane.

  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks CC! I know we both can do this, one day at a time! I am proud of you!