Febuary 12, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member




  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I really wish I could edit the thread title, but can't...so we'll just have to live with that glaring typo burning into our brains for 24 hours. haha.

    Anyway, today, once again DH & son ganged up on me to lobby for staying home from the tutor because there wasn't much homework. They won and stayed home doing homework, while I ran to the gym, did a Leg ONLY workout and ran back.

    So, looks like I'm alllll the way back where I started when I was building my program: (a) leg day, (b) chest/shoulders/arms day, and (c) core/back/butt day. I had combined the core into the upper and lower body days b/c I didn't think I could make it to the gym often enough. But now that I see how great the weekends are at the gym, that's no longer a problem, plus I was overworking my back or my shoulders/arms by accident due to bad split. So, I now have those 3 workouts that I'd like to do twice per week each (6), plus one run day per week(1), plus 2 rest days (2). So...hmmm, let's see...I'm no math genius, but I think that comes up to......uh... about.....uh...6+1+2 equals... 9 days per week. hahahaha!! Obviously, I'll just ignore the "7 days in a week" thing, and keep up my workout schedule as one week bleeds into the next, but it was funny when I was trying to figure out how to make it work. :tongue:

    Anyway, blahblahblah..

    Hope everyone's having a great day! We're having amazing sunshine this week and loving it. :glasses:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Oh yeah, with my new split, I have fewer exercises per day, so I've added a set to every exercise and i think it'll give me better results. I now try to do 4 sets of 12, 8, 6, 6 (instead of 3 @ 12, 8, 6). in the future I may even just switch to 4x6 or something like that.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Today is my metobolic conditioning day, so hope to get out of work and get to that class.

    With the weather so unpredictable, I've been doing a stair exercise routine at work. That way I get some exercise even if my planned activity gets cancelled or I'm rushed with all I need to do after work (Tuesday and Thursday are my problem days that way). I started with down 2 flights of stairs, up 5 flights, down 3 flights, and back to my desk. At my desk I do some pushups off my desk, squats, arm circles, and calf raises. Then some standing stretches. It's not perfect, but doable, and breaks up my sitting all day routine. After a few days of doing the stair routine three times a day, I've now upped the stair part to a double (down 2, up 5, down 5, up 5, down 3) in the morning and late afternoon and just do the original one in the early afternoon.

    Coming up is going to be some tough days for me to exercise. Tonight and into tomorrow they are predicting 5-12" of snow. Even 5" is enough to cancel all programs. I should get my hour in though, tomorrow, with something, maybe even snow shovelling. :)

    Friday, I'm driving to Canada; dogs coming too; and that will take all day. No exercise, Friday. I'll be visiting on the weekend, but will have access to a treadmill, Saturday and Sunday. Some running, but treadmill while visiting, ::yuck:: Monday, I drive home, so no exercise Monday. Well, I'll just have to do what I can.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Donna, what a great idea about getting in some workouts at work! I wish I'd been so clever when I worked in an office building, but I was pretty lazy back in those days too. But the stairs are a really great idea. Good luck with the snow. From what I'm hearing on facebook, the whole East is gonna get hit pretty bad. Take care.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry it sounds like you're doing a great job adapting your workouts. I had the same problem with there not being quite enough days in the week to fit in everything, so there are a few days where I have to double up. My two shorter running days I also strength train, and I just added yoga to my long run day.

    I didn't feel well yesterday afternoon so I ended up skipping Pilates and my run and going home after work instead. Feeling much better today so I'm glad I took an unplanned rest day. Trainer session tonight and I really have to run too because I haven't run since Saturday.
  • tlatrice13
    tlatrice13 Posts: 162 Member
    You guys are really going after it! Yay!!!!

    I did Body Pump today. I love that class. I feel so strong when I do it. :laugh:

    Donna, I need to incorporate that stair climbing routine into my day!!!!! That's a great supplement to another planned cardio session and I won't feel so bad if for some reason my regular cardio session gets preempted. Thanks!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Don't know if i told you guys but when we planned to build house i made master upstairs, most thought for retirement home this was nuts, i was 49 when we moved in 57 now and I purposely go up to my room a ton of times per day and some days i just run up and down the stairs.

    i figure when we get too old to live upstairs we'll sleep in the guest room but i am hoping to be up here for rest of life!!!

    So even when i say zero exercise, i still do my stairs tons of times per day.

    Its a A frame house sort of and large master and bathroom and walk in closet is all thats upstairs, has 1/2 wall loft so with tall windows of A frame in living room we can look out to mountains.

    Today i went over to friends house across town i am watering plants all winter, but this past week it has snowed a bunch of times and no reason to do her driveway so I parked in street and walked up long driveway 2-3 ft in snow, i wore my knee high boots. Was fun actually!

    I need to get out more, haven't been with stupid toe...its getting better but still sore, i might go in to doc next week if not gone.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Your nine day week sounds good, Sherry. I hope it works out for you!

    Glad you're feeling better, Laura. Hope today's trainer session goes well and you get your run in.

    tlatrice, Body Pump sounds great!

    Glad your toe is feeling a bit better, Maria, hope it continues to improve so that you don't have to see the doctor.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Marla, your house sounds like a dream. I've always loved those A-frame style houses and big windows over looking the mountains is like being on vacation for life! How cool!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Marla your house sounds wonderful! I sure wish your toe would heal though.

    Great workout, tlatrice!

    Donna I see you were able to get to class tonight. Awesome!

    I ran 3 miles & walked 1 more (1/4 before & 3/4 after my run), then spent 10 minutes with the foam roller, then had my workout with Jason. He said it was going to be an ab workout but he had me doing running drills too, which I hate. I offered to quit running so we could stop doing running drills but he wouldn't go for it. Then he asked if I was doing them on my own. Right......