Confused, just like most when they started!

megsasb Posts: 29 Member
When I look at the chart in the book, am I supposed to only do workout A1 on the first day and then B1 on the second and then report the same to for workout A2 and B2, which are all the same workouts for those days? and then move on to the next line for 3 & 4?

That is the most confusing part, weather I'm suppose to go through it all at one time or just workouts 1, 2, 3, 4 on those specific, every other day rotations. Does that make sense? I believe I did more today than I was suppose to because I did all of the reps 15, 12, 10 and 8 for the squats and on from there?

VERY CONFUSED even after reading all the helpful hints from the other posts I found. It's very helpful, but those numbers 1-8 are confusing the heck out of me!

Thanks for any help and explanation! :)
