Tiger Blood

It is my day 10 and I thought I felt it yesterday (Got a lot accomplished around the house) and definitely today. It is an awesome feeling. I can't wait to feel this way when it is nice out and not negative degrees with wind chill so I can accomplish a lot outside. I had some time between errands and picking up my son from preschool. It was too cold to run outside like I have been so I had the energy and decided to go for a 20 minute jog at the indoor track near by. I did a few laps warm up and then started jogging I have been running for about a year and a half consistently. I am slow, self proclaimed "puppy pace" because my dog walks beside me when I run. Last year at my 5k's (about 6 total) I averaged a 13 minute 30 second mile. I tried sprints, hills, etc, but I didn't come in under 39 minutes for any of my 5ks. I've been running inside this winter and have had a similar pace. I started running outside a couple of weeks ago and also changed my diet of course with the whole 30. I felt energized today and just overall really really good. Today I ran 2 miles in under 23 minutes. Holy cow that was awesome. I have my first 5 k of the year on Saturday and hope to see some good results. I think it is a combination of good sleep, great food, lots of water, and also some of my outdoor winter training (in snow, slush, and ice). I think mostly it is my diet and that overall good feeling. Bring on day 11. Almost halfway there. Anyone else have the tiger blood?