Hi my name is Leanne.

I currently weigh 74kg/163lbs

I would like to get myself out of the 70 zone and into the 60's.

I am a reformed binge eater who is now trying to lose the weight and change my life for the better.

By 26th March 2014 i intend to be 69kg/152lbs

I have created this group for those of you who need a group support network.

So please introduce yourself and tell us all how and why u want to lose the next 5kg/11lbs in the next 6 weeks

Thanku xx


  • jenn_2102
    jenn_2102 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Jenn.

    I currently weight 182 lbs.

    I am currently trying to loose 5% of my body weight.

    My overall goal is to get into my 150s,
  • Hi,
    I'm Cara, currently at 77.4KG would love to be around 70-72KG by 29March to be at my lightest Adult weight for my Birthday :)
  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi my name is Natalie, I am Currently 190 lbs my over all goal is to be around the 150's however I would like to join this group to push me. For the past 2 weeks I have started kicking up my Zumba classes to 3-4 40 min classes at lunch a week and 2-3 60 min Zumba classes in the evening. I even bought a calorie counter/heart monitor because I am so serious this time. I will take my boys to the pool this year! So lets do this! ♡
  • Hi my name is mary
    And i am now 152 lbs i want to lose 10 lbs in coming 6 weeks :)
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi my name is Jack. I am 6'4 and weigh 285. I was at a high of 323 several years back, dropped to 270 and now back up again. I want to lose at least 85 to get down to 200. Joined MFP last June but just became active in Dec and have lost 10 lbs since. Need help and support as I continue on my journey.
  • Hi All, Im Kimberley in 22 and started at 10st. im 5.1 and aim to be 9st in 8 weeks.

    Ive weighed myself today as a start point and im 9.11 11lbs to lose hope you all can keep me motivated and I will return the favour!

    Lets get ready to be good and see results.

  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member

    My name is Holly, I am 25 and 5'7"

    So far I am down by 46 lbs but still looking to lose around 40 more. I am currently at 182.4 lbs. So my goal for this 6 weeks is to lose 12.5 lbs. Time to see the 160s on that scale for the first time in around 9 years!! Feel free to friend request me =) Always looking for people who help give and who need more motivation!
  • mikeod2712
    mikeod2712 Posts: 23 Member

    my name is mike I am 37 years old and 6' 5" tall and weight 392 pounds I have lost 34 pounds so far looking to lose another 130lbs
  • RachLK7
    RachLK7 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Im totally new to this myfitnesspal , but felt i needed something for motivation since im only working out at home.

    My name is Rachael i'm 30 and im from Newcastle, United Kingdom.

    My daughter Eden is almost 3 (on March 28th), i have a fiancee who works offshore 2 weeks at a time & 2 step sons who are 5 and 9.

    I work full time so once Eden is in bed, my only option is to workout in the house.

    My weight has gone up and down over the years, my lowest for several years i was about 126lbs and my heaviest which is now 165lbs (other than when i was pregnant obviously). I want to get back down to 135lbs by May 2014.

    11lbs in 6 weeks sounds great. LETS DO THIS!!

    Im cutting out sugar gradually and have replaced milk with unsweetened almond milk.

    I plan to work out 5 days a week and have gone back to the Jillian Michael's 30day shred, which i have had for a long time. 1st workout tonight using the DVD on Level 2 and for 20mins workout i burnt 255 cals avg heart rate 76% so im pretty pleased with that.

    Does anyone else use a heart rate monitor? I think its an extra bit of motivation for me and when i feel like my heart is pounding out my chest i look at the monitor & can see im in my fat burning zone which encourages me to keep going (or get my breath almost back & try again LOL)

    :) x
  • RachLK7
    RachLK7 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ive just joined myfitnesspal too, i saw you lost 46lbs, what have you been doing to achieve this? Well done, you should be very proud. I recently bought a heart rate monitor/watch and past 2 times ive exercised its gave me alot more motivation.

    Rachael :) x
  • sarahcyr3
    sarahcyr3 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I am Sarah.

    I am a dumpling... or else I feel like one. I am currently 75.5 kilos and have a goal of being 65 by July. I need to stick with a plan. I get bored and eat. I follow a routine and eat even when I am not hungry. I need to stop eating out and start eating less.