Introduce yourself

Feel free to say Hello :) and leave a bit of information about yourselves :flowerforyou:


  • Alright - Irish with the accompanying carb.salty addictions but living in Canada where I've now been seduced by ketchup chips, poutine and the like. Very unhelpful even if delicious :(

    One day I will turn that into a mud churning mud defying machine :fistinair:
  • Born and Raised in Luton, England :)
    Moved out at 18 for University where I studied Sport and Exercise Science, became interested in Mental Health and the benefits Exercise and Sport have on mental health.
    Have worked as a HCA (Health Care Assisstant) and a CSW (Clinical Support Worker) for the past 4 years in various Mental Health units, Inpatient Acute, PICU and Low Secures.
    Currently live at home with my Parents and spend half my time at PainNowGainLater's house, we have been friends for 8 years and he proposed to be October 2013 on a beach at sunset :heart:

    Because of my job and shift work I fit in exercise when I can, currently upping it to 4 times a week in the gym and once a week out running or walking.
  • dekutree
    dekutree Posts: 65 Member
    Aw, congratulations you two, and that's a very cute picture!

    I'm Matt, 29, from Oxford, England. I'm a freelance musician and editor, and do quite a mixed bag of work, though my ambition is to make the majority of my income from composition and songwriting. I write for theatre and also do music direction, choral direction, piano accompanying, etc. Means my lifestyle is fairly erratic and getting in control of my eating has really helped my take control in other areas too.

    I've always been overweight as an adult - had a bit of a lightbulb/rock-bottom moment last May when I was at my fattest for my sister's wedding and barely squeezed into Moss Bros' biggest hire suit (literally). Sadly I will always have my sister's wedding for 'before' photos... :(. But now, eight months later, I've lost the best part of six stone, 10" in my waist, and am at my lightest adult weight.

    My diet is simply keeping to advised cals/fat on MFP, while trying to make an effort to keep it fairly balanced (ie. eat some fruit & veg, haha). Exercise I began just by walking a bit more (fitbit was a great motivator) and then started jogging via a couch-to-5k. Now I can run 10k in about an hour and have signed up for four races this spring (including two hilly ones which I'm a bit scared of.) This spring I want to start adding some strength training, though I don't really want to join a gym so am going to have a go at a bodyweight exercises-type programme I can do at home, at least to start with.

    I'm fairly scared of the idea of Tough Mudder and those hardcore races, but also totally want to do one. But likewise, probably not until 2015, as I need to have got some strength up. I can run 10k, but the thought of pulling myself up a wall or scramble net...!

    Anyway, sorry, that was a bit of a ramble. I don't really use the groups/forums but shall try to make an effort!

    If new to running I'd totally recommend starting the way I did - first just get into walking, then pick a couch-to-5k programme. I really can't believe what I've achieved in less than a year, and my only regret is that I didn't do this long ago. If I can do it anyone can, ha ha!
  • LisaP0921
    LisaP0921 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone. Glad to have found this group as I am in a mild panic about the fact that I let my brother and sister-in-law peer pressure me into signing up for a Tough Mudder in July! Yikes! My brother did one last year, hated and loved it at the same time, and is now trying to spread the love (hate? ha). I'm excited to prove I can do it, but feeling anxious because I have never been anything close to an athlete!

    My highest adult weight was about 230 pounds, and I successfully lost a lot of it on Weight Watchers. At my lowest (about 4 years ago) I weighed 168. Following a traumatic miscarriage, job loss, divorce, blah, blah, blah I am back at 189. Even though my weight has increased, I have maintained a pretty active lifestyle so don't feel totally out of shape, but also definitely not in Mudder shape! I'm looking for motivation to prepare and not completely embarrass myself in July!

    The rest: I am 33 and from rural Western New York. I'm a high school teacher but also very involved in my family farm and business. As I said, divorced, no children. Although I found success previously with Weight Watchers, I'm giving MFP a try because I don't really want to spend the $$ right now to pay for other programs. The bottom line is I know what I need to do to lose weight and get back on track with my health, I just need the motivation and support to do so successfully. I'm hoping to find that here, rather than paying to attend meetings! Looking forward to getting to know you all!